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Different Sized Pupils?


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Hello Everyone. I'm new to this board, I have been lurking around and reading everyone's wonderful advice and posts. I'm thankful for this forum and for all of you, bird lovers.


I have a African Grey boy named Twinky who is 1 years, 4 months.


I left the house for about two hours and left the corridor light on and he could see the light from his cage. (It was around 8pm, fully dark outside, the room very dim).


When I came back, I opened the door and Twinky flew out of the cage (as I opened the cage door). I turned on the light quickly, and I saw that his pupils were different sizes. Now, I'm familiar with his pupils changing shape back and forth, quickly as a sign of communication and body language.


But what struck me odd is that one side was fully black, and the other side I could see the little white/yellow around his eye, the pupil a lot smaller.


I got so worried, but in about a minute, his pupils were normal size and even.


Is this some sort of a neurological issue? Or was he just startled that I came home suddenly? Or maybe put the light on too suddenly and he need to adjust to it? Or he was a bit stressed? Or I'm too in tuned to his bodily functions?


I hope someone had some experience with this? I'm like a nervous mother, worried about him too much. (My furry baby).

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