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Away for a while...


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Hello everyone,


I've been away from this website for a really long long time. I just thought of giving you an update of my lovely parrot, Aoodi, if you remember her :).


Aoodi now has been really enjoying herself home. She started to play all time, eat almost every healthy food - sometimes unhealthy :P - but generally she is doing really well.


Here is a recent picture of her in the kitchen:




Since my family and I started to really bond with her, somethings are decided to be done. Now Aoodi has her flying feathers back - I know it is such a risky move but she is really enjoying it - and she is allowed to fly around the house. She is no longer kept in a cage, my whole room is like her cage :P , because I'm now studying abroad and my room is no longer used. When my mother wakes up in the morning, she opens the room's door for her so she can fly around the house and play a little in my little brother's playing room etc. Sometimes she refuse to get into an cage, but when put in one, she acts normal - sometimes she does like a bull charging towards it's victim :P or once she acted dead was REALLY REALLY scary moment. Silly Aoodi :P.


Another picture for her plying with Kinder Surprise eggs:




She now enjoys weird things, like 2 months ago, my mother sent me a picture of Aoodi drinking tea - no clue if it is okay or not to be honest, but nothing really happened to her till now. Also, she loves to sit with us while eating our meals and luckily we have a table of 6 person and we are 5, so the 6th chair will be hers :P - full family, don't you think? Sometimes she eats some of the food we eat, and mostly my mother makes her vegetables dish or fruits. But what's really weird is, she really LOVES french fries!! She remove the crust and devour what's inside, the fluffy parts :P.. and she holds the chips in a funny way - have to take a picture of her doing that :P. She also likes chocolate. Once she suddenly stopped making any noises so we went to see what she's doing, we found out that she spotted a pack of chocolate bars and started to eat like crazy :P.. She started really to hunt that unusual food.


Here is a link of her in my facebook page playing around with a ball in my room - sorry for the bad quality and that I couldn't upload the video to photobucket:





There are many funny things she started to do. One of them is that when she gets annoyed of someone she says " Go away", " Come on, go away" few times, if you don't obey her :P, she will fly and try to hunt to like an eagle - hehe :P - first time I saw that I kept laughing really hard.


Here is another link of her kicking my little brother out of my bed - well, her bed, since I'm away and no longer use it :P :





But sometimes she does really awkward stuff. For example, if guests came home and the house door and being used a lot, we close her room's door to keep her safe. After that she really gets angry, she stop eating, talking, and refuse to communicate with us. But few hours and she gets back to normal. Also, she kind of gets jealous of anyone getting close to me or my mum - since my mother and I are her best . For instance, when my little brother hugs my mum in front of Aoodi, she will fly and start biting my brother, no clue why :confused:. Is it normal? Also, my sister bought love birds few months ago, Aoodi really gets annoyed when hearing their voices, she will try to track where that voice is coming from and start knocking at the room's door where the birds are. Once my sister forgot her door opened, and Aoodi got in. She flew straight away to the birds cage and stood above it. Then she started saying "Come closer, come". Somehow one of the bird came closer and suddenly Aoodi tried to catch it with her beak. It was terrifying moment :( . We took her and put her back in her room, luckily nothing bad happened. Is it normal too :confused:?


Here is another picture of her posing infront of the camera :P:





Generally she is doing great, she takes 2 showers a week and she enjoys it. She sleeps well, around 8 hours a day, with a nap in the afternoon she always take herself. She is a spoilt parrot, playful, cheering, healthy, really talkative nowadays :P and looking soo beautiful ;).



I guess I summarised everything - I might forgot some, apologies for that. Sorry for this long post and if there are some English grammar mistakes or spellings :).


Thank you, this website was the start of every great thing Aoodi is having now. Thank you all lots!!! :)



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Loved the pics and videos. What a great looking grey! From what I've read here, Aoodi's behavior is normal. Several forum members have birds that do not get along well with other birds in the house. The jealosy thing I've seen myself. My TAG gets a little hyper when I give affection to others. He doesn't bite, but beeps and is obviously displeased. Others may have more to say about that, I'm a novice!

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