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Rubbing beak on perch?


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Hey there everyone! I first wanted to say that you guys have been so helpful with my journey with Larry, so I can't thank you enough!


Larry has this habit of rubbing his beak back and forth on his perch. Is this normal? Why does he do it?


Thank you again!

Bryanna (:

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My TAG, Ana Grey, hates to have a messy beak so refuses to eat messy food. If a speck gets on her beak, she immediately cleans (rubs) it off. Now Sterling Gris, my big CAG, always has a messy beak as he is Mr. Piggy.

Edited by luvparrots
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Guest Jocelyn

My Romeo is nutoriously clean with his beak and he eats a lot of chop and birdy bread. He gets what seems to be embarrassed when we point at him and calk out dirty beak. He also seems to rub his beak and tap it on things while he dances to music

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It's a claiming action as well... THIS perch is MINE, this bowl is MINE, ... is MINE, is MINE, is MINE, is MINE. Grey rules of ownership!


Not too certain about that comments validity. But, would say they do believe everything they see, they think about, you have and anything else not mentioned is without a doubt, undeniably the greys! :)

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