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My Luna

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I have been lurking for almost a year and decided to finally join.


A year ago we received Luna, a 7 year old CAG, from a friend of ours that was unable to care for her due to a very sick child. Unfortunately, she had been a bit neglected and was completely bald except for her head.


We fell in love instantly and knew that even if she never grew any more feathers we would still think she is one of the most beautiful animals we had ever seen.


We originally moved her into her own room where she stayed for a year. She received plenty of attention but somedays not as much as we felt she needed. She will allow myself and my husband (sparingly) to pet her and if she is super tired she will step up before she realizes what she has done. We kept her up there where she was given free range of that room and she spent a lot of time outside and on top.


A few weeks ago we decided to move her into the main area so she would constantly have attention from either her humans or the dogs. She has thrived. ABSOLUTELY thrived. She talks constantly (makes it so difficult to hear the tv at times), her feathers are growing back in like crazy, and if I catch her when she is tired she will step up and immediate climb up onto my shoulder and fall asleep. She does step-up if i put my fingers through the cage bars to pet her...but will only step up when i put my hand in the cage if she is tired.


I can tell she wants to be on top of her cage but with the dogs we have not given her that freedom yet. This weekend we will be blocking them off in the kitchen and allowing her free range.


I am hoping that soon she will want to come out more and we can move her all over the house.


I look forward to not just soaking up all the advice like I have in the last year but also being part of the conversation.

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