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Glenn miller---in the mood----live--1941


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Thanks for posting. I love the 40s Big Band music. My grandfather had a huge collection, and we used to attend concerts of this type of music when we could before he died in 2000.


I love it too. I switched a lot of it on to CD/DVD so I wouldn't lose it. My father, 2 uncles all were in WW2 and that was the music of the day. The female singers of that time were great. Got every Fred Astaire musical movie too. Now that was dancing.


Wanna a treat? Check out Chicago

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks for this Dave. I grew up listening to all the big bands as well that my parents loved and of course the Lawrence Welk show... a one and a two.... My parents really didn't like the "Good OLE Rock and Roll" I started listening to though on my "Transistor Radio" when I hit 10 or 11. :)

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