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Wingin' it (yuk, yuk)- making it work with multiple Greys


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Hello folks! As some of you may know, I only recently adopted Oscar and even more recently adopted Ellie. So I went from learning the ropes with one particular Grey to figuring out how to live and love yet another. This a very exciting time for me, but I admit to being a little overwhelmed now and then. I am quite pleased I spend a lot of time at home due to my teaching job's flexibility, but I am sure most of you could agree- it is the quality of the time that you spend with your bird(s), not necessarily the quantity. That being said, I would like to start a thread where we can share our ideas on how to accommodate multiple Greys.


Oscar and Ellie have distinctive tastes, likes and dislikes. Oscar doesn't mind the color green, while Ellie does. Ellie turns her beak up at pistachios, and her former owner felt this had everything to do with her Senegal buddy liking them so much. Ellie really craves independence and expressing her individuality. Oscar is more "go with the flow", though he can be quite a biter and a noise-maker. When upset, he will bite (which he also does out of habit) and scream. Ellie becomes sullen and quiet when she is upset. Both Oscar and Ellie do not want hands in their cages! As for how I can attend to the needs of two very individual Greys:


*I respect Ellie's aversion to the color green, to a reasonable extent. Before she came home, I changed out my green fitted sheet and pillowcases with blue ones (her favorite color). Every bird is entitled to his/ her preferences, and they should be accommodated within reason.


*I don't deprive Oscar of green foods, just because Ellie doesn't like them (except for one big exception- green grapes, which she loves)! Oscar had some green veggies tonight, grilled and kind of bland but amazingly tasty to him. Success! Please see the above italicized statement, as this is a continuation of that thought.


*I make a huge point to meet each bird where they are at. Oscar had a horrific life, of that I am nearly certain. So he has the behaviors that go along with broken trust, lack of stimulation, and improper handling. Ellie is the "easier" bird, but her life has been rather charmed. I am committed to each bird equally and don't expect Oscar to begin talking, snuggling, and stop biting immediately. In fact, he may always have some behaviors I don't like, but I will never stop indicating to him what my boundaries are and giving him the time and space to heal. As for Ellie, she is well-adjusted but that doesn't make her needs any less important that Oscar's. Ellie deserves quality time with me just as much as Oscar does, and I am making it a point to go and buy some DVD's I know she likes (she can sing along to The Little Mermaid- interestingly this is my all-time favorite Disney movie)! Meet each bird where he/ she is at, not where you would like him/ her to be. Be careful not to compare one bird negatively or favorably to the other.


*I am leaving room for changes in my birds. As they get to know me, and eventually, each other, I need to be aware that good and bad behaviors may crop up. Who knows, maybe Oscar and Ellie will completely stop feather-damaging when they meet, having a friend who "understands". Or, they may both begin making more obvious feather piles. I really don't know. If I have to play mediator, for any reason, I will. They each deserve to be happy, whether that is with their cages side by side or far apart. Allow the birds to choose their relationship to each other, and allow room for that to change over time.


As always, feel free to add your own input, agreement, or even disagreement. We're all here to share information to make the lives of our Greys GREYT!

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Congrats and blessings on adding another rescue. The dynamics of this well bring out the best in both of them. I look forward to hearing much more on the two of them as time progresses. :)

Edited by danmcq
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