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Had enough for one day!


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Well Sassy just went back into her cage for the final time today. She has been hell on wings today. The last straw was when she flew onto my back to bite the hell out of my arm. She was mad because I kept taking my phone away from her. We have decent days and then bad days. I'm really aggravated at the moment and just need to vent. I have to put a robe on before I have her step up because she tries to nail me each and every time. I know that when I put her in the cage for biting it shouldn't be for very long but I've had it for today. She's in for the evening! Of course as I'm sitting here typing she's alternating between her kiss noises, good girl and her pissed off shriek. She seem especially ticked because Leo is out and climbing all over the three cages. Hmmm.. Maybe she's just not happy with my tattoo's and she's trying to redesign them......

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EllieMae... lol! I hope Sassy doesn't redesign your tattoos! Deep breaths! Remember...when she bites, the answer is NO! NO BITE! To the cage for five minutes maximum if using timeout. Not everyone does, and we all seem to find a " means to the end." Of course, discuss it after, and ALWAYS take bird out after five minutes. Otherwise they never learn.

We are all here for you, and even the most seasoned owners have a breaking point! When Sophie's messes are worse than I can keep up with i tell her "ENOUGH!" Back to her cage and she can't comeout until I get ahead of her again. Nancy

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My only advice would be to do whatever you can to avoid the bite. Biting can become a habit. When she flies to you, can you not duck or wave her away before she lands or nails you? Did you say you tried a perch for step-ups rather than your own arm? I just hate to see your frustration as well as the pain you must feel. If I were being bitten almost daily--I would be as hands off as possible until things settled. I have faith that you and Sassy can come to good terms, but this pattern has to be stopped and redirected in some way, or it may get worse.

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I cant give advice but I really know how you feel, we have many days like this this Alfie really is pushing me at the moment, but we love them and keep going and I'm sure as they teach us whats right and wrong it will all come together in the end

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Sorry Sassy is getting on your last nerve today. It's funny. Greys are appealing to us because of their human-like characteristics. Unfortunately, this includes the tendancy to wake up in a bad mood. :) Is she getting enough sleep? Dorians grumpiest days usually happen after a less than optimal sleep.

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