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Advice: ~20 year old rescue or purchase baby from breeder


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DogsBirdsFish: Your posts remind me quite a bit of myself when I started this journey. African Grey parrots were an unknown entity to me personally. I had read about them and watched them on youtube. I was in awe of what life with this bird could be, but had my concerns about what I could be getting myself into. I decided to get a young hand fed baby. I just didn't feel equipped to deal with the baggage that might come along with a rescue. I think I made the right decision at that point in my life (lol 16 long months ago!). Although things haven't been without challenges, I couldn't be happier. My CAG Gracie has been a joy and amazes me everyday. Over these 16 months, I have also changed. I have a love and understanding for African Greys in general now that I lacked before. Yes they are fun and smart and talk and whistle and amuse and bemuse and entertain and challenge. But somehow being part of this forum and living with a grey has opened my eyes and heart to the deeper waters of the African Grey species. I think I would be more open now to rescuing a grey who may have quite a bit of baggage. It is like a paradigm shift occurred within me where I'm not as focused on how cool it would be for ME to have a grey, but more about how fantastic these creatures are and how much need there is to provide them with a loving, safe, secure, and stimulating home. I don't know when I might be in a position to rescue a parrot, but I feel I could do it now. I'm not convinced I would have been as successful if i had started with a rescue. I have said all this to simply encourage you to search your heart and decide where you are in this journey. Getting a young hand fed baby grey might be a good place to start, and then after some time and experience--a rescue might work great. Keep us posted.

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Your Funny farm remark was uncalled for.....


Sorry you misinterpreted my attempt at humor. The Funny Farm and being taken away is from an old song that was popular amongst us "different" kids (you know, the kind who grow up to be Grey owners; only kidding...).


For those who remember Jerry Samuels' They're coming to take me away:


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DogsBirdsFish: Your posts remind me quite a bit of myself when I started this journey. African Grey parrots were an unknown entity to me personally. I had read about them and watched them on youtube. I was in awe of what life with this bird could be, but had my concerns about what I could be getting myself into. I decided to get a young hand fed baby. I just didn't feel equipped to deal with the baggage that might come along with a rescue. I think I made the right decision at that point in my life (lol 16 long months ago!). Although things haven't been without challenges, I couldn't be happier. My CAG Gracie has been a joy and amazes me everyday. Over these 16 months, I have also changed. I have a love and understanding for African Greys in general now that I lacked before. Yes they are fun and smart and talk and whistle and amuse and bemuse and entertain and challenge. But somehow being part of this forum and living with a grey has opened my eyes and heart to the deeper waters of the African Grey species. I think I would be more open now to rescuing a grey who may have quite a bit of baggage. It is like a paradigm shift occurred within me where I'm not as focused on how cool it would be for ME to have a grey, but more about how fantastic these creatures are and how much need there is to provide them with a loving, safe, secure, and stimulating home. I don't know when I might be in a position to rescue a parrot, but I feel I could do it now. I'm not convinced I would have been as successful if i had started with a rescue. I have said all this to simply encourage you to search your heart and decide where you are in this journey. Getting a young hand fed baby grey might be a good place to start, and then after some time and experience--a rescue might work great. Keep us posted.


Thanks for sharing your journey and the great advice.

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DogsBirdsFish: Your posts remind me quite a bit of myself when I started this journey. African Grey parrots were an unknown entity to me personally. I had read about them and watched them on youtube. I was in awe of what life with this bird could be, but had my concerns about what I could be getting myself into. I decided to get a young hand fed baby. I just didn't feel equipped to deal with the baggage that might come along with a rescue. I think I made the right decision at that point in my life (lol 16 long months ago!). Although things haven't been without challenges, I couldn't be happier. My CAG Gracie has been a joy and amazes me everyday. Over these 16 months, I have also changed. I have a love and understanding for African Greys in general now that I lacked before. Yes they are fun and smart and talk and whistle and amuse and bemuse and entertain and challenge. But somehow being part of this forum and living with a grey has opened my eyes and heart to the deeper waters of the African Grey species. I think I would be more open now to rescuing a grey who may have quite a bit of baggage. It is like a paradigm shift occurred within me where I'm not as focused on how cool it would be for ME to have a grey, but more about how fantastic these creatures are and how much need there is to provide them with a loving, safe, secure, and stimulating home. I don't know when I might be in a position to rescue a parrot, but I feel I could do it now. I'm not convinced I would have been as successful if i had started with a rescue. I have said all this to simply encourage you to search your heart and decide where you are in this journey. Getting a young hand fed baby grey might be a good place to start, and then after some time and experience--a rescue might work great. Keep us posted.


You, Greywings and a few others are one of the few people Jay and I know who we'd trust with one of our rescues, even as your first Grey. Sorry I'm not in a laughing mood with a post so close to home. Thank you......................

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DogsBirdFish...If you are intuitive, this rescue will pick you.I think if they split up the grey and amazon... its NOT going to go well. I can't imagine Sophie and Kiki being split up. It would be a nightmare.So even if this grey likes you, but then learns his friend isn't coming.... you my friend, are in for a very unhappy time.I suggest taking them as a package deal, if they like you. If you only want the grey... seek another rescue or a baby. Nancy

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Dave007 I beg your pardon? I am QUITE normal! LOL! Sophie likes a good party... LOVES to be the center of attention even with strangers. She is a socialite!. She's an unusual grey who likes to be the center of attention. She's the happiest when there is a good party going on! All that get invited... know how important Sophie is to me, so they all make a fuss over her. I'm lucky to have great friends and co-workers that know and respect my attachement to Sophie. Nancy

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DogsBirdFish...If you are intuitive, this rescue will pick you.I think if they split up the grey and amazon... its NOT going to go well. I can't imagine Sophie and Kiki being split up. It would be a nightmare.So even if this grey likes you, but then learns his friend isn't coming.... you my friend, are in for a very unhappy time.I suggest taking them as a package deal, if they like you. If you only want the grey... seek another rescue or a baby. Nancy


Yes, something else to think about; thank you. I missed a call last night from the rescue home. I'll have mixed emotions if they tell me the Grey has been adopted. But it is probably for the best if the other family is taking both birds.


This is such a difficult process making a decision that will have a significant impact on the bird and me for many, many years to come (hopefully). Adding to the possibilities, I just found out there is a bird farm just 10 miles from my house. They will be getting some Grey chicks in soon. They sell hand-fed babies. So if I go that route, I'll be responsible for the 4+ feedings a day. That would be a challenge going into the summer months. That means I can't leave home for more than a few hours at a time for x number of months. And I'll be sending off the family again to another vacation without me.


On a different topic; I had my caiques on my shoulder when I went upstairs to change before I went to the fitness center. When I change clothes in front of them I always say I'm changing my feathers. Well they definitely did not like my white feathers when I put on my new workout shirt. I had to put on a blue shirt over it to get them to get back downstairs to their cage. I guess if I bring home a Grey, I'll be dealing with situations like that all the time....

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Yes, something else to think about; thank you. I missed a call last night from the rescue home. I'll have mixed emotions if they tell me the Grey has been adopted. But it is probably for the best if the other family is taking both birds.


This is such a difficult process making a decision that will have a significant impact on the bird and me for many, many years to come (hopefully). Adding to the possibilities, I just found out there is a bird farm just 10 miles from my house. They will be getting some Grey chicks in soon. They sell hand-fed babies. So if I go that route, I'll be responsible for the 4+ feedings a day. That would be a challenge going into the summer months. That means I can't leave home for more than a few hours at a time for x number of months. And I'll be sending off the family again to another vacation without me.


On a different topic; I had my caiques on my shoulder when I went upstairs to change before I went to the fitness center. When I change clothes in front of them I always say I'm changing my feathers. Well they definitely did not like my white feathers when I put on my new workout shirt. I had to put on a blue shirt over it to get them to get back downstairs to their cage. I guess if I bring home a Grey, I'll be dealing with situations like that all the time....


Here's some post on how a lot of members feel about "Hand Feeding"


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DogsBirdFish... If you go the baby way.... I suggest NEVER get a baby until at least 16 weeks. The breeder should be handfeeding them. Go as often as you can to hangout with baby. As far as vacation, even if you are offering supplemental feedings, baby can come. My BEST experience and fun, was when my girlfriend who had an RV... we took all our kids together camping. Everywhere I went including the bathroom, I found baby birds. She failed to tell me they were coming.I didn't have birds at this time.She taught me how to feed the babies. This was my first introduction to the bird world. The next time she decided to go away for three days( she certainly deserved it), she asked me to care for her birds. TEN cages! OMG! Each cage had a personal description and instruction. One cage, had a bird(I am not sure of the breed), said" don't try to pickup this bird... he will eat you for lunch!". Well....THATS not nice! We were best friends by the end of the week. Hence.... we got Sunny our rescue, because he loved the HUNT family. Nancy

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  • 1 month later...
DogsBirdFish...If you are intuitive, this rescue will pick you. I think if they split up the grey and amazon... its NOT going to go well. I can't imagine Sophie and Kiki being split up. It would be a nightmare.So even if this grey likes you, but then learns his friend isn't coming.... you my friend, are in for a very unhappy time.I suggest taking them as a package deal, if they like you. If you only want the grey... seek another rescue or a baby. Nancy



You predicted the future. Your post is pretty much how things played out.


I had not heard from the rescue home that had the 20 year old Grey for a month. I assumed the woman, who wanted both the Amazon who bites and the Grey, had adopted them.


In the mean time, I visited the bird farm near me. What a dirty place. They basically have a barn that looks likes it ready to fall down to house the birds. They specialize in pigeons, ducks, chickens, finches, and parakeets. I left my number in case any Grey babies showed up. However, I was fairly certain I didn't want to buy a baby from them and then take another big chance with hand feeding.


I checked with Bird Paradise and they had another 12+ babies for sale. They do not let you take them home until they are fully weaned. When I stopped by, I just could not commit to buying a "new" Grey and was still leaning to adopting a "used" Grey; so I drove home without putting a deposit on one.


Out of the blue, I got a call from the rescue home on Monday morning (3 days ago), telling me that she had back surgery and had not yet showed the birds to the lady who wanted both. She was going to call the lady and give her 24hrs to schedule an appointment to see/adopt them, and then contact me later in the day. She then told me that they will not split up the two bonded birds (they must be reading this thread...lol.), and if the lady decided not to adopt, I would have to take both. I scheduled a vacation day on Friday; just in case.


One hour later I get a call from the bird farm. A man just dropped off two birds (female Grey and Goffin). He said the couple had just divorced, and wanted to get rid of them. He told me the Grey was 5 months old and fully weaned. I wanted to hear from the rescue home, so I told him to hold her for 24 hours; he agreed.


I did not hear from the rescue home on Monday, so I stopped by the bird farm on Tuesday during my lunch hour. Turns out the female is between 1 to 2 years old (judging by eye color) and the story changed to the man who dropped her off said they had her for 5 months. Both birds were a mess. The Goffin had plucked his chest raw and there was some dried blood on the wound. The Grey had a few small areas that looked plucked and many bent feathers. The guy dropped them off in a small rusty animal carrier (the size you use for Guinea Pigs), so the birds must have been in a panic being jammed in there. The Grey was holding her wings out, so I was afraid her wings were hurt. The bird farm owner grabbed her and showed me she was able to flap her wings just fine (she probably was in pain). When he put her on top of the cage, she came right over to me, climbed up my arm to get on my shoulder, and then caught me by surprise when she learned over and gave me a kiss on the lips (I had briefly thought about how I could have lost my lip in that brief moment). I took that exchange as her picking me.


Well you know who came back from lunch with me. So I officially joined the Grey club. I'll post my two day experience with her later.

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Well congrats on your new to you grey, that's how it goes sometimes, the bird picks you and you can't say no. I would give her time to settle into her new home and let her set the pace of when she allows more interaction. Her holding her wings out could have meant she was a little hot inside that carrier, they hold their wings away from their body when overheated.

I look forward to hearing more about her and maybe seeing some pictures, have you named her yet?

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I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread that was unfolding in my absence. I remember how at first I didn't think I was up to bringing in a rescue after losing two young greys in less than a year, but the rest is history. It takes a lot of soul searching and being sure you can hang in there for the long term. I am looking forward to hearing more about the beautiful new grey in your heart. Also Dave, your contribution was a little too close for comfort, LOL.

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