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Introducing Ellie Noel! *TWICE the smoke detector alarm sounds

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So I went ahead and listened to my gut, and adopted a lovely female CAG named Ellie Noel. Ellie was treated extremely well by her former family, the issue is that they will be moving overseas, and in the meantime they have little time to spend with her.


Oscar knows there is a Grey somewhere in the house, and Ellie calls out to him. They both make broken smoke detector alarm sounds, which is hysterical (and a little maddening) when they do it at the same time.


Ellie is a "talker", though also at times a biter. She bites for more obvious reasons than Oscar does- she doesn't like her cage space to be invaded, and sometimes she bites due to feeling anxious or threatened. Sometimes with Oscar I feel he bites out of habit. But either way, I am committed to working with both my CAG's to extinguish the biting, and increase communication (and I don't mean by talking, per se).


Ellie is a gorgeous heather gray, much lighter than Oscar. Their colors really compliment each other.


More later, about the more pertinent stuff. My friend and I are at Peet's Coffee and she is waiting for me to finish this entry. :)

Edited by MoonRock
I accidentally submitted before I was done!
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It was a huge decision for me to adopt another Grey. I am not exaggerating when I say that I put nearly as much time into this decision as I did when I decided to apply to adopt an autistic little boy (for various reasons, I declined to adopt the boy at this time). I almost feel as though I am welcoming a new little person into the house, and so soon after Oscar came home (check out my signature). But, I feel prepared for this little feather-butt. I spend a lot of time at home, as a part-time special education teacher. And while Ellie is her own unique parrot with likes and dislikes all her own (likes: peanuts, baked potatoes with all the fixin's, sliding down the pole of her wheel-y perch, basking in the sun; dislikes: the color green, being spritzed with water), she is still a Grey and therefore, I feel I *know what I am getting into*. Sure, she will surprise me. Based on her history, she will probably eventually bite me. But Ellie needed a home, I had room in my heart and house, and Oscar could use a like-species friend (yes, I know they may end up disliking each other- I am prepared for that).


Pardon the rambling, I am really trying to harness my thoughts. :) Some things about Ellie: she loves to talk, but will not do so "on command". She speaks at length about a number of things, and takes treats very gently (what a difference from Oscar!). Ellie knows there is another Grey in the house, and Oscar does too. Ellie tells him her name, and uses some of his own whistles when calling out to him. Oscar seems flattered when she does this (as evidenced by blushing, and endlessly repeating the series of sounds she copied). I must admit, I am not 100% certain Oscar is a male, but I will be taking him to the vet this month for a general check-up and hopefully to be DNA sexed. Ellie is for sure a female.


Ellie was (and is) very much loved by her former family. She was included into the family activities, including watching football, which she adores. She doesn't care about baseball or basketball. Ellie has a fantastic cage and toys- appropriate perches, large fun toys, and everything was/ is clean. She has a great stand that I need to go back for, which is fine because I am in close contact with her old family. They want the best for Ellie, and only rehomed her as a last resort. I take this opportunity, of being tasked with Ellie's welfare for life, very seriously. She is simply precious, and beautiful, but even if she was "difficult" I would still feel the same way about her.


What's so cool is that Oscar and Ellie seem to mesh personality-wise. Oscar is very outgoing, and while Ellie is too, I think Oscar may help her to be even more bold and confident. Oscar doesn't talk a whole lot, and it would be fun (not necessary, just fun) if Ellie taught Oscar some phrases. Already he tried saying her name from across the house, but only came out with "Eh-". Haha! How cool is that?! Ellie eats a very varied diet, and sometimes with Oscar it could be a fight to get him to eat his veggies. I will try "chop" for them both, but I figure Ellie could help Oscar along with improving his diet. Ellie plucks a little (more than her former family seems able to see/ admit) as does Oscar (though it's fairly minimal for them both). I think it is *possible* Oscar and Ellie will want to look their best for each other (after quarantine, I mean) and maybe stop plucking/ feather damaging. Flirting doesn't leave much time to pluck. ;) Oscar is very adaptable, and strong. He is wise. I would like him to influence Ellie to try new things, such as the foraging paper balls I make for them (so far, she would rather just have the darn nut)!


If anyone has any advice about keeping two Greys, and how you do/ would manage, feel free to respond. Don't worry about bursting my bubble, I have taken in advice from former members that I didn't necessarily want to hear (for example, that I shouldn't ignore Oscar's screams for quite so long- he has something to tell me if he's screaming). I want what's best for Oscar and Ellie, and am willing to listen to and consider any sound advice. Or if you just want to give encouragement and congrats, I am in the market for that too! :cool:


Thanks, folks. I can't wait to post photos. Stay tuned!

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