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Baby grey

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Hello there, I am pretty new to these forums, a couple months ago I posted about losing our grey and being helpless, after that I wasn't too active, since it was hard seeing all the content related to greys while the loss of Lorka was still so fresh.


Things have gotten just a little better after a while, we still miss her and having a bird around, so our family decided on getting a parrot again, we were not sure if we would want a grey again because of the resemblance, was thinking about the blue fronted amazon, but at the end we still ended up being charmed by a grey.


We brought him home 2 days ago, (couldn't figure out a fitting name for him yet) and he is getting used to his surroundings pretty well, he is extremely friendly, already on the way to home he climbed into my lap instead staying in his carrier. Now any time we are near he keeps twittering endlessly, even while eating.


We are really looking after him and his nutrition as much as we can, but since we never owned a bird this young(we got Lorka when she was around 4-5months old, because her previous owner had to move) there are a few things I'm not sure I understand yet.


He is around 11weeks old, we still feed him with his formula once a day, he already started eating seeds, and the breeder told us we should give him less and less over time so he can stop needing the formula. He also told us he can't overeat, but I just find this sometimes unbelievable, because he eats A LOT, though I guess he really does need the nutrition.


All in all I plan to become more active in the forums now, and I hope all goes well with our newest family member, I already learned a lot of useful things reading the sticky topics, but any advice about what we should or should not do with/for a baby grey would be appreciated.


I've uploaded a few cute pictures but they seem to be pretty big so I'll just put the links here.





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so cute, I brought Alfie home at 11 weeks he had formula 3 times aday plus pellets available 24 hours a day and always offered veg he didn't eat much of veg then but now he loves it, with his formula I offfered it until he decided he didn't want it, always had cherrios for breakfast and soon prefered them to his formula then the lunch one slowed down the bed one carried on for a while he was nearly 5 months before he gave that one up, I never reduced or stopped formula just let Alfie decided

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