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I know this is one of these questions that are difficult to answer as I suppose it lies with Miranda herself...but may be approximate, or how long did it take you?


Going out/in cage - Done (1 week)


Eating from hand - Done (from day one)


Learning "Step-up"?


Landing on own arm/hand (without biting)?


Going for bath/shower (not just a spray with bottle)?


In my initial post I said that Miranda was 8 Months old and had been hand reared initially. I don't doubt that she may have been hand reared initially, but i do question the information given to me by the breeder that she is only 8 Months old...but then again I don't know. I would say that her eyes are already a light yellow and reading some info. it seems this happens around 18 Months? So if this is the case Miranda has been in an aviary environment for some time now, so may be difficult.


I wish I could determine her age as my main question to the breeder was a young (under 12 Months) hand reared bird!!

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I dont think you can put a time scale on anything with CAG's they have a mind of their own but I had Alfie from a baby,his just one now, out of cage always happened getting him back in cage is another story some of the time.

always eat treats from hand

step up when he feels like it one day his great another day you would think I was speaking another language

Landing on arm/hand without biting again each day is different also lands on shoulder/head which we dont allow due to bits so he gets shrugged off.

Shower started great with spray bottol now have to cage him to stop him killing spray bottol and me, shower in bathroom have got as far as him sitting on top of shower screen.



All the birds are different and from what I have learnt it all takes time, Alfies eyes are the light yellow colour you say about, but if miranda is older than you throught and you have only had her short time she is doing well.

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garryg... I think you are asking the wrong questions! Even if Miranda is older than you thought, it doesn't matter. She is a baby, and her learning capability doesn't change. Work on stepup and stepdown, as well as introducing her to a bedtime regime.Sophie came here at two...we had to do all of that.You can't have a timetable. It doesn't exist in a grey world. Nancy

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Thanks All for the continued feedback!

Nancy, please don't get me wrong, what I was trying to do is see if there is anything different I have to do if the bird was younger, or older than first thought.....it is certainly not a problem for me regarding the age, she is still our baby.

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Your questions are very similar to what came first!the bird or the egg?, the best you can expect is a guesstimate. A Greys eye's go through a somewhat yellow color change twice, first starting at about 1 year old, the second and final at around 4 years old. Nancy's reply was very good, showing consideration and reality...Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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These are indeed tough questions. Gracie pretty much did everything but the a proper bath from the start. We still don't shower, but she gets a good soaking from a spray bottle and enjoys it. She doesn't allow much touch, but will give kisses. She is 20 months old, and I would say her eyes are not yellow yet. They are a kind of a silvery/yellow blend. Your little grey is likely over a year old. But I believe all things happen for a reason, and God has seen to it that Miranda made her way to you. In any case, the mantra here is patience--give your grey choices, never force anything unless safety is involved, and just love from your heart as much as you can. It will all be ok. A nice close pic of your greys eyes will help us narrow age down a bit. After age 5 it's pretty hard if not impossible to tell by the eyes.

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These are indeed tough questions. Gracie pretty much did everything but the a proper bath from the start. We still don't shower, but she gets a good soaking from a spray bottle and enjoys it. She doesn't allow much touch, but will give kisses. She is 20 months old, and I would say her eyes are not yellow yet. They are a kind of a silvery/yellow blend. Your little grey is likely over a year old. But I believe all things happen for a reason, and God has seen to it that Miranda made her way to you. In any case, the mantra here is patience--give your grey choices, never force anything unless safety is involved, and just love from your heart as much as you can. It will all be ok. A nice close pic of your greys eyes will help us narrow age down a bit. After age 5 it's pretty hard if not impossible to tell by the eyes.


Thank you JeffNOK, sorry I didn't explain myself clearly.. Thanks Jayd

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garryg... lots of responses! I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. I too, would want to know how old my bird really was. I was focusing on, the age development and expectations are pretty much the same. If you have a checklist... which you DO and should have... they fill those " checks", at their own rate. We know you love your baby. Nancy

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