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HI, To regurge as has been said is "a offering" also as has been said "Let's get it on....YEEEEEAAAAHHH, let's geeet it on..This is bad in a human/Grey environment. [if I may, I'm speaking from scientific and personal research and experience] This action is "Foreplay", prelude to a impossible human/parrot action. If as humans we condone this action, praise it, in many case's it can lead to psychological problems and conditions of frustration. In cases where there is no notice of a problem that appears to be present, a lot of times it shows up in other ways. We blame this possible issue as something else. What to do if this happens, first, realize how much you're loved, 2nd, say "Thank you" and walk away promptly and return shortly as if nothing ever happened.

Let me explain further. Our captive Grey's are farther from being wild then some might wish to claim. If we were to release any of our companions to their natural habitat, they wouldn't survive. Their actions are far more human-like then wild. Due to the imprinting from being born in human captivity, hand-fed and nurtured by human surrogate "parronts", this takes them farther away from the fact that they are birds and they feel more human-like. Why don't dogs and cats take on human tendencies and emotions like our Grey parrots do? Basically, it is the intelligence levels and sentient levels. (No disrespect to our furry and pawed friends)

We can not use "Human" psychology to understand or compare their actions. The similarity is there but the reasons and thought patterns are not.....



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Greys are not the only parrots to try and show their love to their choice person.

When Cricket is in season she runs to me and puts her head down on the table and lifts her tail high and coos up a storm.

When this happens you need to turn your back to them and walk away until they stop.

It can be very hard to do, but it needs to be done.

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Also, avoid sending the wrong message Bryanna, you need to put the relationship back on Amish terms. Well, minus the bundling, anyway. In terms of touching, nothing below the head and nothing above the ankle. Definitely avoid rubbing under the wings or the sides of Larry's body. Those zones will definitely get his motor going in ways you don't want. You can come back to them a few weeks in the future, just not while the hormones are in overdrive...

:cool: This young man speaks the truth.................................:D

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trancework... can you PLEASE give me some of your energy? LOL! Everyone has excellent advise regarding the regurg. I have never had Sophie molt ( DNA sexed a girl). When she regurgs, its offered and accepted in my hand.Its always after a day that we have spent together. I always thank her, and she is pleased. NEVER sexual. Kiki on the other hand does molt. We all go on " high alert"... Kiki is out of her mind! Even birds know when she molting. Everyone becomes " nice as can be... DON"T piss Kiki off!" Nancy

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Thank you all for the VERY helpful comments! (: But is it normal even after the fact that I've been with Larry no more than a few days? And at that, those few days were when there was little interaction- other than me giving him treats throughout the day (;

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Thank you all for the VERY helpful comments! (: But is it normal even after the fact that I've been with Larry no more than a few days? And at that, those few days were when there was little interaction- other than me giving him treats throughout the day (;

Hi, remember Larry's been around the block a few time already, he's both won and lost at love in the past. Yes it's normal, they have great senses and are very empathetical with a little hope thrown in for good measure. But please be patient, if Larry just becomes relaxed and you can see contentment in his features, no matter how long it takes it's worth it, Larry must come first, don't push him or try to make him into something he isn't. Larry's a older Grey and I've seen to many times when a Larry is push a little too far or a little too much is expected, we lose them all together. You've been given a chance to give Larry a second chance, not to become a vibrant youth who's recaptured his past, but a older gent who's content to sit on his perch, contemplating the universe around him, accepting a treat and winking at you saying thank you.

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