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Hot peppers...like me!


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Hola everybody…Salsa here…I just wanted to tell you about the new treats that Mama got me…she calls them “peppers” but I just call them good!!! :o They come in all kinds of colors but I like the little red ones the best cause red is my favorite color and I always go for the red ones first. The big green ones taste good too…Poppa calls them “jalapenos” and cries when Joe eats them and spits the seeds in his face :eek:…hahahaha! ;) Poppa is so funny…I just cry along too! What a fun new game… sometimes I get a big yellow one and I like it too…

When mama cleans out the cages, she puts these strange white things on her hands first before she touches our leftovers. I don’t know why…they were so good I share with her but she just says no thank you… :confused: hmmm, I just don’t know why she doesn’t like them too…oh well, more for us…oooohh, oooohh, here she comes with more…bye…

Greetings all, Joe here…Salsa can be bought off so cheaply…just throw her some food and she is gone faster than a warp drive shuttle…;) I do have to admit though, that now that I have discovered the wide range of wonderful food offerings being offered, I really enjoy my food now…even those “peppers”. I tried to mind-meld with Poppa while eating one the other day but he did not enjoy the experience…I might have to think that one through for a while :confused:…Last night, Babe was running very late with our dinner because Poppa had to go to the vet and they got home late. Babe made us veggies, brown rice and pasta…I took one taste and…bleeech…:mad:I tossed that plate on the floor…I thought we were getting eggs! I gave her a dirty look and turned my back…That’s when I saw the plate on the counter with eggs…I flew over but I misjudged my landing and I landed on the plate…Oh no! The plate fell off the counter and there I went again…flying over to Poppa who kept me safe from that mean plate! Babe fixed a new plate and I settled for the rice and veggies although I let her know I was not pleased with it! :P When I was done, I shoved away the plate, climbed down to my little table next to my cage, shoved away Poppa’s water glass and bent over to grab my pistachios out of my jar they keep there for me! What a disappointing dinner…wait, what is that smell? Okay…I will settle for a bite of pizza bread crust…got to go…mmmm…good…. ;)

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Oh yeah, Oliver here. Those peppers a great, fresh from the garden. When i am done eating them i love giving kisses to mom and dad. They make funny faces when i do that but i don't give them out often so they say they will take what they can get!


Bongo here! When i first came to live here, those red peppers were my fav! They didn't know that though. I loved giving mom kisses but she started to worry because her lip would burn or feel numb and sometimes her eyes when we played. She thought she was allergic to me! Then she caught me eating one, holding it in my hand chomping down! She said it was her ah-ha moment and kissed me and kissed me!

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