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Now owned by a grey, where to start advice much appreciated


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Hi, im new to the grey world and no amount of reading would have actually prepared me to owning one, and the mixed do's and donts from it all, my african grey (grady) is 2yrs old, her cage is a large cage situated in our living room, 1st question i have is do i try to interact with her straight away etc as was told to just leave her in her cage for at least 2 weeks, she takes food gently out of my hand but when i try anything else bites, she doesnt have her wings clipped and we did let her out of her cage for a fly around tonight, but when my hand went near her she bite me again, should i or shouldnt i be doing anything? And advice greatfully received :)

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Take it slow and let her lead the way. Trust must be gained before she will let you near her without fear. Let her out to do her thing, talk softly to her but don't push yourself on her. Keep handing her the treats, and one day she will not see your hands as a danger! Greys have their own timeline, what seems like forever to us is just a blink in time for them. Congrats on your new friend!

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Giver her time to settle in her new home. Every thing is new, new people, new place, all strange to her.

Sit by her cage and talk to her, sing or read to her, Offer her treats when you walk by her cage so when she sees you she knows some thing good is coming and she will look forward to you coming.

Like murfchck said grey time is different than ours

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely don't leave her in her cage for two weeks! For what purpose? To watch you come and go, doesn't do much! Open the door... encourage her to come out on her own time. A cage should be located in front of family action.Sophie for the past 12 years, has always been part of family games. We play alot. UNO, Monopaly,Trouble ,pictionary, etc. Kids off at college now... a little more quiet. BUT... once they get home, Sophie part of the action.When kids are home,lots of sleepovers here. You can play games... but if you drink alcohol, you have to sleepover. No arguements! SometimesI find Sophie still up hanging with kids while they play poker. All of their friends have grown up with Sophie. She loves them all. They know they have to have " clean mouths"... no Alcohol, as this could kill her. She gets mad when I make her go to bed, and kids get to stay up. I'm such a bad mama! NOT! DoI ever feel guilty when she protests? NO! Nancy

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Welcome shell and grady. Congratulations on rehoming grady. The others have given good advice ontaking our time in building trust and letting her get used tot he new home and people. Her taking food from you is a good start right off the bat. At two she is very much a young grey and learning how to exercise her will and how to interact with the humans and their rules. Just enjoy her for now and let her come to you, not vice-verse right now as she settles in.

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Hello Shell and welcome to our family.

As the others have said open the cage door and allow her to come out on her own, she needs some time every day to be out but give her plenty of time to settle into her new home and be very patient with her as she gets to know you.

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