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Cricket the quiet one

Ray P

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Cricket has always been on the quiet side as compared to Corky my grey.

She has been with us for a little over four years now and in the last three months she has become very vocal and getting into more interaction with the other birds when it comes to making noise.

She is always changing and keeps becoming more and more as a part of the group.

Cricket has always been very close to me in our relationship and over the years has been reaching out to others.

It`s amazing how she has being an older amazon, now about 17 years old has changed so much that I have a hard time believing it`s true.

Rehome amazons do change for the better and I have one to prove it.

There is an old saying.

You can look at a good person and find something bad about them.

You can look at a bad person and find something good about them.

It all depends on what you are looking for.

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