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Why my bird attacked me today?


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I've had my grey for about 2 years now. I've never followed any professional steps in order to tame him, but I did manage to succeed to some extent. I had moved out of the house, however, for a year, but when I returned, my grey surely remembered me. I've been spending more time with him lately, including walking around the block with him on my arm. I don't think he has flown before, but he did get scared by the fence gate opening to close to him yesterday and took off, flying across my backyard at a low altitude and eventually into the fence. He seemed totally fine, so I just picked him up and continued on. Today I decided to start some clicker training with him. First thing I wanted to do was be able to hold him on his back. He allows me to pet him all over and pick him up in the "bat" position so I felt he was ready. I started out very slowly, with one hand on his back while rotating him to the upside down position. First try went pretty well, as I successfully rotated him over on his back. I did notice that his feet were still holding on to my hand as if there were no tomorrow (fear?). So then I followed to reward him with a click and a treat. Time for a second try. I did the same exact thing, except this time, he started striking at me and biting me about halfway through. He definitely is a nibbler and continuously nibbles on my fingers as I pet him and sometimes he starts nibbling just a tad bit too hard, but it becomes clearly noticeable when he attacks, as he also launches his head with the bite just like every other bird. He still has yet to shed blood on me, though, nor do these bites leave any sort of lingering pain afterwards. As a bad habit, every time he does this (he use to a lot when he would get scared of something) I accidentally tend to drop him out of my own fear as I feel the bites getting harder and harder. It usually isn't a far drop though, probably only 2-3 feet, and definitely not intentional. After he's on the floor, though, he'll willingly hop right back onto my hand without any problem.


I'm assuming he did not like going upside down which caused him to bite me and let me know. How can this be fixed? And also, though he has not shed any blood on me yet, is there a possibility he would? Or does he trust me enough to only give me a "warning" bite? I've never been to that point so I wouldn't know.

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Some greys do not like to be put over on their back, mine is one of them and I respect that and the fact that he was biting you was his way of telling you he didn't like it, just because some greys and birds will do that doesn't mean they all enjoy it. This can not be "fixed" so just accept the fact that your bird doesn't want you to put him on his back.

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I agree.Sophie HATES to be on her back. She was hanging upside down on the towel that I use to cover her favorite kitchen cabinet to chew, wanted her down, so I put my hand under her back started tickling her tummy. She just laid there saying kutchiekutchiecoo! That wasn't what I expected! LOL! She knew I wanted her down miss smarty pants. Please remember trantran to work with an aviator harness. Birds can fly off especially into oncoming traffic.

Your bird sounds great, and you are doing a great job.Confidence in one's parrenting skills takes time thru trust and patience. (on BOTH parts!) Fearing a "bad" bite, is everyone's fear, but as the trusts develops, the fear does go away. Sophie at age 12 wouldn't dream of biting me or the kids, but she bit my sister pretty good a few weeks ago. Nancy

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Forget the biting that is minor. What im shocked over is you taking your parrot out not teathered. Did you not think he would fly away? And if he did the chances of you getting him back is pretty much xero. Not to mention your bird dying because he cant find food or wster or s predator getting him. Im sorry but what you did was dumb.

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carlsjr... I know you are upset about trantran's lack of knowledge, and he is so lucky, it could have been worse, but we all have done some things that were a " poor" choice. We are all here to educate each other, and sometimes our " passion", can get someone's "back up". It no longer becomes a learning experience, but puts the other member on the defensive. Trust me... I know.

Our goal is to educate trantran. Our passion remains "strong"... but we have to be respectful. Its something I have been working on. Nancy

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Forget the biting that is minor. What im shocked over is you taking your parrot out not teathered. Did you not think he would fly away? And if he did the chances of you getting him back is pretty much xero. Not to mention your bird dying because he cant find food or wster or s predator getting him. Im sorry but what you did was dumb.


With the exception of exchanging the word "Dumb" with "Not Wise", I agree with carlsjr! Today, the 1st, Spock has been gone for 1 year... And unless it's happened to you you'll never really know what it feels like. Don't be dumb, wear a harness out side.....................................................

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Jayd... we are all so sorry about Spock! Many of us have been "unwise"... I lost Kiki to a tree that was HUGE! No ladder I had was big enough. We camped out in front of the tree taking turns as she slowly came down.We got our girl back. We were lucky.Our home policy changed that day. No matter who rings the doorbell... we only go thru the garage to talk to people. Nancy

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Don't force things with Greys. If they are giving you clear signals to stop--stop. They are never wishy-washy in their thinking or actions. If they make up their mind on something that is it. Always take things slow and easy and they will come around according to their desires. My guy LOVES to go on his back. We regularly flip him over and kiss his tummy. He usually says, "woooo" when we do it. He also likes to play with socks on his back. Oh yeah, and a harness or cage to go outside is a must. I didn't know Spock but he is missed by us all. What a special guy!

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Don't force things with Greys. If they are giving you clear signals to stop--stop. They are never wishy-washy in their thinking or actions. If they make up their mind on something that is it. Always take things slow and easy and they will come around according to their desires. My guy LOVES to go on his back. We regularly flip him over and kiss his tummy. He usually says, "woooo" when we do it. He also likes to play with socks on his back. Oh yeah, and a harness or cage to go outside is a must. I didn't know Spock but he is missed by us all. What a special guy!

What you say is true, and thank you very much, I know Spock would thank you too.....



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