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My vacation is over!!!


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Rom had to go back to work.What the heck? I was having soooo much fun. Now its ruined with this thing called work. Rom says she has to make money. I'll give it to her! She should be home with me. She told me I can only ruin " one keyboard every two months. " I'm on a budget. I don't know what a budget is... but I don't think I like it! Ollie told me this means I have to get a job! Rom told me what a job is.I can do that! I've decided to be a rap star, as Ryan tells me I dance really good. I need a manager, whatever that is, and a fan club. Can anyone help me?Sophie

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Hola Sophie...Salsa here...I know what you mean...Momma is always on the computer going to "School" when she is not at work and I don't ever get any time at all on it...I think she just wants to keep it aaaallll to herself! I can be a gooood manager...(whatever that is)...cause I am a "Good Salsa" so I know all about promoting myself...Poppa says I am my biggest fan club...huh? Check with Snowflake...she dances real good and she is on the net and everything! I don't dance but I can sing...maybe we can get together and you can dance and I can sing....oooohhh...got to go! Momma's bringing goodies...

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