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Ray P

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I thought this might be a fun post as many of us have nicknames for our greys and some times more than one depending on what they are getting into.

My greys name is Corky and that depends on what she is doing when I am calling her and what for.

1. When she is being good. It`s Cork !

2. When I am trying to get her attention. It`s Corky.

3. When she is play full. It`s Corker

4. When she is getting in to things. It`s butt head.

5. When she is real sweet. It`s Corky baby.

6. When she is being real bad. It`s ass wipe. (Said with love)

7. When we are playing, It`s feather butt.

8. And when she is at her very best. It`s daddy`s little girl.

9. most of the time it`s brat.

All said with affection

It`s called living with a grey.


What are your nicknames ???

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Real name: Greycie


Flying around the house doing the pterodactyl scream: yelled to anyone else in her strafing zone "watch out for 'Flying rat with her panties on fire'. It took a while for my daughter to figure out what I meant by 'panties on fire' i.e. red tail.


Pet names:

Greycie-poo. Everyone in our house gets a name with -poo on the end for some reason. I'm Daddy-poo. I think my daughter started this.

Greycie-may. I have no idea why I call her this sometimes.


When she's in trouble by my wife: Greycie Sterling. When my daughter is in trouble she gets the Sterling appendix as well. Anyone who is in trouble gets associated with me by my last name of Sterling by default. I guess I am chief trouble-maker.


And my personal favorite: Bat or Bat-bird. She loves to hang upside down. I'm always telling anyone who will listen - "I paid good money for an African Grey and all I got was a Bat - I got jipped".

Edited by SterlingSL
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I dont think I could repeat what Alfie gets called on bad days (just joking)


His pet name is Alfie Moon which is a character off a british soap programme called Eastenders

When we're being silly its Alfie babe, and mommy's baby, yes I know I wonder why he bites me!

The most used one is Alfie No, I'm sure he thinks thats his name.

My son always walks in and says 'Hello Alfred the Grey'.

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I dont think I could repeat what Alfie gets called on bad days (just joking)




Sureeeeeeee... your joking .. hee hee. If he's anything like my darling Sassy Brat then I'm quite sure you can be just as colorful as me. My only worry is that she will choose the day that Jacks 9 year old is visiting to repeat those lovely names I call her

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I really enjoyed reading these! Timber has so many nicknames that I don't know where to start! He is Timber Dale when he is into something (Dale is my husband's middle name, and we always tack it on when any member of the flock including kids and cats are misbehaving). He is "Timbert," "Timbster," "that bird," "the Timbird," "the good bird," "the pretty bird," "big bird," "baby bird," "such a mean bird," depending on circumstances. My youngest son, Timber's favorite, just says "BBBIIIIIIRD" low and growly when he comes in and sees him (Timber has this one down pat).

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Jake is affectionately called Jake, Jakey, and Jakey Jake. When he is getting into or has gotten into mischief I call him a stinker shit. There is something about the phrase stinker shit that he likes because it usually makes him laugh. If he is doing something he shouldn't I refer to him as Buddy Boy.

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Lets see, we have Bongo, he is sometimes Bongo butt or bingo, bango Bongo. Gabby is Gabby Goo, and at 20 yrs old has been heard saying it. Also "your lil girl" to hubby when she gets into stuff. Oliver is Ollie Ollie or Chicken butt. Bubba is normally Bubba or Bubbabooie or Bubbaloo. Gus is Guster or Butt wipe, or Poop head but "your boy" to hubby when he is being a terror. Bubba calls him Stop and Shut up". ( bubba came to us with the shut up but sure knows when to say it! )

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I love all these nicknames! Biscotti doesn't get called by his real name very often, it's usually Cott, or Cott-Cott. He also get's called Cotter & Cotteree. When he is getting into trouble it's Parrot or Mister. Some times when he is being particularly obnoxious, I will say "I'm gonna whip your Cotteree Mister!!" Now HE says that when he is getting into trouble, then he laughs. :)

If you ask him his name he will say, "I'm Biscotti Bird."

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"turd" Stewie and Gracie. I call Stewie a turd when he is bad. He has never repeated the word so i have used it often. I adopted Gracie a year ago, and she picked it up immediately. Even refers to stewie as turd. Stewie sings a song, Gracie tells him "good job turd!"

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"turd" Stewie and Gracie. I call Stewie a turd when he is bad. He has never repeated the word so i have used it often. I adopted Gracie a year ago, and she picked it up immediately. Even refers to stewie as turd. Stewie sings a song, Gracie tells him "good job turd!"


Interesting...we have a 'Stewie' too. Stuart, our Green Cheek Conure. And Greycie is out CAG.

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