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No shoulder here until we have a relationship of trust, both ways. Wrist for Sophie when she came here at age two. While hanging on my wrist at 2 1/2 i was typing on the computer she started to bite the air, saying " NO BITE Sophie! YAY! She finally got it! Up to my shoulder that moment! Last bite.( I of course went nuts, called for kids to come down and celebrate, Was dancing with Sophie). Nancy

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the latest update....


Miranda is getting on well. She certainly seems to have taken to me well. No matter who is in the room when she is out, she comes straight to me. The unfortunate thing is she still insists on biting. I have tried everything people have mentioned....remove her from my arm each time, tell her "no Bite" ( i think she actually thinks this is a game, as this seems to make her worse and she gets the attention), put her back in her cage for 5 mins then try again...she comes straight back to me then bites again. I can put up with this as I now wear a thick coat so she can't get the skin, but still cant wait for the day when I can be scratching her head, etc.


Hopefully my next post will be to tell you the biting has stopped.


Will also get some new pics up soon.



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The unfortunate thing is she still insists on biting. I have tried everything people have mentioned....remove her from my arm each time, tell her "no Bite" ( i think she actually thinks this is a game, as this seems to make her worse and she gets the attention), put her back in her cage for 5 mins then try again...she comes straight back to me then bites again. I can put up with this as I now wear a thick coat so she can't get the skin, but still cant wait for the day when I can be scratching her head, etc.Hopefully my next post will be to tell you the biting has stopped.


Just stay consistant with your responses to the bites. They will lessen over time as you both learn. They may or may not stop completely. I still get a bite now and then when not paying close attention to Dayo's body language or cleaning his cage and don't notice he is coming in for an attack. He does not like me in his cage at all, it is his castle and I am not welcome. I am not the love muffin to him, my wife is. But we have a "man to man relationship" lots of fun playing and sometimes giving scratches, just have to be careful and observe body language. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All, Hope you are all doing well (& the parronts).


I've not given an update on Miranda for some time. She is doing great... actually get very sociable and most importantly the biting seems to have stopped. She loves getting her head scratched both in and out of the cage. She first let us do this last week and now just cant get enough of it.


Her talking is also becoming clearer. Not at any conversation level, but certainly talks away quite happily in her cage. We also upgraded her cage last week. We went to the pet store to get some new toys...and came back with a cage.


I'm just hoping that the good work doesn't take a step back?? We are heading away for a holiday next week and will be away for 4 weeks, unfortunately she can't come with us. She is heading to the Bird Barn, where I am sure she will be very well looked after.


Do birds forget? Or will she be quite happy to see us on our return?



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I'd like to answer with a real life experience....


We birdysat a young Grey (female) last summer for about 7 weeks. She fit in right away and had a good time. When he daddy came home and picked her up, she was so happy to see him that she "glued" herself to his shoulder and couldn't get enough head scritches from him. :) He had been very concerned that she would forget him after such a long absence, but she remembered him alright! :D


I don't think you have anything to worry about. :)

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