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In loving memory of my baby boy Henry


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On a fall day a while back my love and I were walking to the bus stop for our Saturday date night and stumbled upon a half bald little feather ball under a bridge, a baby pigeon who had fallen from his nest in the underside of the bridge. I'm known for picking up stray animals too often so I said fine, but after our date if we come back and he is still here I'm taking him (spent the whole date researching baby pigeon care on my phone). After our date he was still there except he had wandered onto the road so we took him immediately; that night the temperature dropped to about 50 degrees outside, needless to say he wouldn't have made it. He changed our lives completely after that day. From the late night and early morning feedings to teaching him how to fly in the field next to our apartments. He gave special pigeon kisses and made funny faces. He rode on our shoulder everywhere we went except when you made him mad so he would go pout on the roof. We even had the opportunity to teach some neighbors who were awed by his affection and tameness. Now we double check every time we drive past a bridge just in case. I love you sweet baby,rest in peace.


I know Henry isn't a Grey and he died a while back, but I thought he deserved a proper memorial somewhere. <3


If anyone wants to see more pics it won't let me upload them on here because the files are too large but they are on facebook- http://www.facebook.com/media/set/edit/a.538342942855703.1073741825.100000400050062/


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I rescued a pigeon once, nearly same circumstance. Found it had been floating downstream and was standing on a little island waiting to be devoured by whatever found it next. I reared him into a fully fledged pigeon and named him 'Mr. Pigoey'. He was a sweet sweet bird. What I remember most about him was that he liked to tail me on my ride to work. I lived about 3 miles from where I worked and regularly rode my motorcycle. I'd get him up to 40-50mph and he'd finally bank and turn and go to who-knows-where. There was evidence that he returned to his roost box that I built for his outdoor living - we kept him as an indoor bird. Returning home from work, some days I could count on seeing him either sitting on a telephone wire and swooping down behind me or he'd appear from nowhere. I had him for several years. They are neat birds.

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That's great :D too many people think of them as pests, I wish they could all see how loving they are. Henry used to follow us around the complex, we were scared to let him follow us too far. He would get mad when we went into the office and left him outside then he would pout for hours xD

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Losing a loved pigeon is just as painful as losing anyone that is considered a family member.


I found a pigeon just sitting in a dirt lot one day when I was 9 and slowly walked up, bent down and took him home. Fortunately my parents were receptive and let me keep and nurse him back to health. I Named him Jiffy and as you describe of them riding on shoulders, he did too. He would even fly after me while riding my bicycle down the street and land on my shoulder. Pigeons are amazing birds to have bless your life, as you stated. :)

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It's very nice to know there are others :) when I tried researching I could not find any U.S sites about care of wild orphaned pigeons only in the U.K. I thought there were no pigeon lovers here xD Thanks guys

We love all things feathered even pigeons and Henry was a beloved pet of yours who would not have survived without your intervention, he knew he was loved and you both were so blessed to share the time you had together, he will live on in your memories, gone but not forgotten.

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