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Odd foot color


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My grey has some white toes and nails. This is really unusual, I think. Has anyone else seen this in a CAG. He is quite small, 378 grams, but all of his feather colors are that of a CAG. Someone suggested maybe he was a product of a CAG and a Timenha. Any thoughts?

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This topic got me thinking and wondering though...my grey has black nails, but one front toe on each of his feet looks like it was shaved...there is a strip of white on it. They have been that way from day one when I got him, does anyone have a grey with nails like that?

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Oh my gosh, they are soooo cute! Well, I really wasn't implying that he was a hybrid because of his toes, but because of his size. When I look at him next to other CAGS, he is about half their size. Kind of like the runt, maybe. But he is real easy to handle because he is so small and light. And just a big cuddly baby right now, so of course, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Thanks for your information.

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I know that even though my Greys are female they are completely different sizes....one of my Greys is 300g, and she hadn't eaten yet, and my other grey is about 360. The vet said they both looked great, but CAG's can be all sorts of sizes, it really depends on how many generations they are from being wild caught. It's my understanding that the longer in captivity, the smaller they get!

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This is very interesting subject. Your cuties Tracy were great looking babies, although they are such good-looking birds now. Make me think of Hemingway back then. I want another baby. Tracy, you’re so right about the individually of each bird, and that makes them so cool.



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Guest briansmum

yep, my grey has a white toe nail too. i dont think size has anything to do with it as he's a big boy! i was worried at first too, but it's similar to the "red factor" thing, it's harmless, and a good way of identifying your grey :)

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Thank you all for your comments. I had Sparky at the vet yesterday for his check up and he was 320 grams. I said oh no, he lost weight and the vet said he had a full crop when he was weighed upon admittance to the hospital so he is even smaller than I thought. She said his split keel was looking awesome. I thought he would have a scar or bald spot where it split but you can't even see it now. I am not worried though, about his weight anymore as it looks like they range quite a bit in size from all the comments. I love the uniqueness of his cute little toes and nails. Reminds me of a cat with white boots I once had. I will get some pics of my whole flock posted as soon as possible. I have to go clean house right now as my Dad has company coming over. He lives with me now since his stroke 2 years ago. He is now blind and in a wheelchair. I must be the nurturing type as everyone from husband to kids are so needy!!! Bye for now.

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