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Back Home After My First Trip Away From Gracie


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Well I returned from three days away from Gracie. I called every day and got good reports. When I got home Gracie seemed neither overjoyed to see me nor miffed at me. She appeared generally okay although I was hoping for a warmer reception. The one thing that changed while I was gone was her relationship with my father. Before the trip she liked him, but was not overly attached. Now she seems very bonded to him. When he starts to leave the room she flies after him. She tries to get his attention by chatting to him and making kissing sounds, In short she is acting towards him like she usually acts towards me. Now, she wasn't exactly uninterested in me. She paid me attention and sought my notice and affection, but she was really drawn to my father. Should this worry me? Obviously I live on my own with Gracie and she won't be seeing my dad on a daily basis, but I fear if we all shared a home she would be tempted to switch bonds. I admit I was more than a little hurt. She likes lots of people, but this was different. It was "my territory", and I didn't like it. Any thoughts?

Edited by JeffNOK
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I have been in this same position before with Tango. When he first met my boyfriend he immediately had a connection with him. We were just friends at first so Tango didn't get really attached, but when we moved in together he started being down right mean to me. I was hurt and there was (I'm almost embarrassed to admit) a lot of crying involved. Unfortunately, we can't choose who they pick so I just have to understand that our relationship (Tango and I) is different now. I can totally understand how you feel, but there isn't anything you can do to change Gracie's feelings.

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Well--I just won't be inviting my father to move in with me--LOL Frasier Crane I am not, and my mom would be sorely put out. I agree you can't choose who your grey "picks"--but I am really her only choice in this matter. It would be horrible for everyone if she chose someone she only sees a couple times a month. I know this sounds horrible, but if I had a girlfriend that "stole" Gracie's affection from me, I would dump her immediately :). Any future romantic interests must be despised by Gracie! I mean love fades but a grey lasts a lifetime.

Edited by JeffNOK
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LOL Jeff, you will become a hermit living way out in the woods isolated to ensure Gracies only companion is you. :P


Seriously though, they do become infatuated with some new people they meet at different times. When we have guests or family members over, many times there is one Dayo picks up interest in and will want to make acquaintances with them. If they are comfortable with him as well, he will hang out with them rather than us while they are here. Your description of Gracie wanting our dads attention when he is there sounds pretty normal to me for a lot of well socialized greys. :)

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Well--I just won't be inviting my father to move in with me--LOL Frasier Crane I am not, and my mom would be sorely put out. I agree you can't choose who your grey "picks"--but I am really her only choice in this matter. It would be horrible for everyone if she chose someone she only sees a couple times a month. I know this sounds horrible, but if I had a girlfriend that "stole" Gracie's affection from me, I would dump her immediately :). Any future romantic interests must be despised by Gracie! I mean love fades but a grey lasts a lifetime.



HAAAHAA...I like your attitude. "Love fades but a Grey lasts a lifetime" - needs to be made into a shirt, or a bumper sticker, or something.

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JeffNOK LOL! LOL! I'm really not laughing at you, but your reaction is precious AND... completely normal. Gracie still loves you the most, but she had a great time with your dad. What a wonderful thing, you have a responsible babysitter. Within a few days, Gracie will love you just the same. As Gracie gets older, and you go away more, you will appreciate having that relationship with your dad. When I go away, Sophie always carries on and on about the babysitter.I know she had fun and am pleased.(I usually find the babysitter had just as much fun and come visit her!). Gracie will always be your baby, and she knows it. They don't do the OMG... you're back! If they act normal when you get back, or are excited about their new experience, that is a good thing. Remember...its never about us(how was your trip?), its always about them. Nancy

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