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No Scream Challenge update: Day 22


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Things seem to be moving in a positive direction here. Since we built the shower "contraption" he seems to have settled a bit too. He really does love sitting in the shower. I haven't felt like there was no hope that the screaming was never going to end.

Now he seems to scream (make the obnoxious smoke detector noise) if my boyfriend doesn't acknowledge him right away. So now we are working on that. He seems to like the contact call video that I played for him the other day. I think I am going to try to find more videos/tracks on itunes or something like that to play for him once and awhile to mix up his listening routine.


He is on another mini vacation with my parents because we are getting floors installed this weekend and I didn't want to give him a heart attack with all the loud noises and banging.

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Well it's good to hear it is calming down somewhat. The more contacy calls he learns, the wider variety he will use. of course when the feel desperate, they will make the loudest and most obnoxious one they know and it will hurt you eardrums and brain. :P

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