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We went to the vet..


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I took my Timneh and Congo to the vet yesterday as I was noticing a strange way of breathing coming from my Timneh Sukar, plus I found a bird lice on my hand :( I made an appointment and went the next day, the vet was very helpful, he gave me lots of tips on my baby Congo and he checked Sukar (TAG) he said there is nothing with his breathing, but he said his feather colors are strange it is not a timneh colors, he thought he was probably washed with something (my timneh was a rescue from a poor and abusing pet shop)some of his feather was damaged, and he had a skin disease that was treated with human treatment (his chest feather was so greasy) he did few tests and x-ray to check him and he weighted him and he was just 224g, he was so underweight :( poor thing, I hope he will get better soon, I went back home and cleaned all cages, soaked the toys in water and separated my cockatoo from them (poor Vanessa she was so excited about the new arrivals but she cannot see them until 40 days passes) .


The Vet gave me Harrisons High Potency Course pellet and told me how to give it to them, though the first day no one was interested in it not even my cockatoo, but the best thing was when I gave the fruits they tried it, the greys don't usually like to try food specially the older one (timneh) but today I saw him eating which made me really happy! I hope he gain back the weight and he become healthier, I am trying all my best to give him a better place.


Oh and the vet bill was a killer =_= ..it was 820$ for both birds.


- Jujube

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Hi Jujube,


It is certainly good of you to take Sukar in and have all the tests done to find all that need to be done and absorb the expense of doing so. :-)


I'm sure you will be rewarded will health and happy Greys in the near future that you will get many years of love from. :-)

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jujubechan well done you for taking them to the vet when you felt something was wrong.

I'm sure with a good diet & much love your timneh will gain some weight, keep offering the fruit & veg it is so good for them.I'm sure he has a good life with you, it sounds as if he was really neglected at the pet shop.

Please keep us informed & any questions just ask away.

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You are such a good person. You are doing so many right things. Sukar will get his weight back and get healthy and give you years of love in return for the money & time you are spending. It is such a shame there are people that treat animals & birds the way these 2 little guys were treated. Karma to you for taking them out of that situation.

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Glad you took your greys in to the vet and now they are on the road to recovery. Harrisons pellets are by far the best choice for greys and they should flourish on it. Hopefully he will gain some weight now and lavish him with all your love.


I feel for you on the vet bill but it is something you have to do for the welfare of your flock.

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What did the vet do about the lice? Poor Makena had lice, and we tried a spray solution. When the vet found worms as well, he was treated orally, with a medication called "Ivomec." This medication treated both the worms and lice - so we discontinued with the spray. I was just wondering what your vet did for you? Thanks.

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I would like to thank everyone for their comments, support and encouragement, I really appreciate it!


I'm still struggling with the pellet diet but I keep giving them a lot of fruits and veggies in the morning to keep away from the seeds but hopefully in a couple of days I'll see at least one of them trying the pellet!


My Timneh still don't like eye contact so I am trying to avoid it, but he is no longer yelling or open his mouth whenever he sees my hands in the cage, he calmed down a bit, I just hope he feels safe soon.


>> MakenasDad:


Thank you for your comment.

The Vet said no lice was found but he sprayed them just in case and gave me a bottle to spray inside the cages after cleaning to keep any parasites away, there was no meds giving yet, but I am not sure, because not all of the results are ready yet, some been sent to South Africa so we are waiting but for now he told me they do not carry any diseases so far, so lets hope it's ok.

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Sounds good. As your vet said "no lice were found," did he look at the feathers under a microscope? He/she should be looking for "knits" found only by looking under a microscope - the lice like to hide..


As for medications: our vet suggested not actually spraying directly onto the bird, as it can irritate their lungs, and the chemicals can get into the eyes and cause irritation. So, what we did was sprayed the solution onto a rag in another room (to prevent inhalation) and then wiped it onto the feathers - belly, back, and under the wings. We were to do this every 3-4 days for about 4 weeks. That was what we were supposed to do. If it helps, the product we used was "8 in 1, mite & lice spray." As Makena ended up being treated with an oral solution, I can't really comment on the effectiveness. Your vet may not have wanted to treat orally as the medication can make birds kind of "woozy." I hope all the best, and am sure all will be well as we can all tell how much love you have for your birdie. :) Please continue to keep us updated!

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And just so you know, bird lice cannot live on humans. They have to have a bird host and will die without one. So don't worry about you or your family getting lice, once they are gone from the bird they will hopefully be gone forever!


Also if one of your birds have lice... they probably both do, so be careful!


Hope this helps, and let either one of us know if you have any questions... we have definitely had a few too many vet trips as well :). Good luck!!

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Kudos on your birds!! Sounds like you are doing an excellent job with them. and double ouch with your vet bill!:sick:

Good luck with the pellets - I'm still working on my guys with the pellet conversion. You might try looking at the diet section of this site - there are great ideas for birdie bread and mash there, that my guys like way better than the pellets - not that I have given up, but as an adjunct. :laugh:

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