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New Baby, Methuselah

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Hello, would like to introduce my new baby, Methuselah (Thusie). We brought him home about 3 weeks ago, and he is about 4 months old now. He is very sweet and had no trouble settling in, and is very spoilt :D The breeder clipped his wings without consulting me, and that, combined with what appears to be generalized weakness in his feet causes him to have pretty poor balance. When he steps up, one foot (or both) will struggle and not grip, almost seems like he wants to stand on the side of it. When he does perch on my hand, I hold his feet steady with my thumb. He is missing most of one back toe also. Any ideas what caused it? He was not parent raised. I have his cage perches low, but he climbs his boing most nights.

Waiting on his new tree to arrive, I think he'll love it. He has a window perch and a "T" stand where he spends most of his day playing with toys and eating his chop. He is on Zupreem fruit blend, but enjoys fruits and veggies. So far, he turns up his beak at walnuts and other offered treats. He loves showers, and enjoys one every day on his shower perch. He is out of cage at least 6 hours a day.

I hope to share pictures soon, for now, I can't upload any.

He does not want to walk on the table or the floor. Any suggestions on how to encourage play on these surfaces? I have some toys that can't be hung.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and your birds!

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Hi and thank you, you really need to talk to the breeder and get the baby checked by a vet ASAP. Clipping the wings has nothing to do with this.....Please keep us informed..............................................

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Hello there! I have Thusie's sister, Pearl. I visited with them many times from about the time they were three weeks old (you can see them together in one of the pictures below in my signature). From what the breeder explained to me, it may have had something to do with the temperature in the incubation unit from when they were teeny tiny. Pearl is missing a toe also, but she perches and steps up just fine. She doesn't like to play too much on the floor, but loves walking around on our dining room table or her playtop floor. She's got a basket she rolls around in and attacks and that's really what gets her off the perch. Like Thusie, she prefers to hang out on the boing thing or her softer Booda brand perches (the rope kind). Glad to see you here, and I know for a fact you have one sweet and mischievous little guy!

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