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Just adopted a 12 yr old CAG, Help !

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My brother is moving and gave us his 12 yr old Congo African Grey. I have bird experience with a Peach Fronted Conure and other small birds. Nothing like this though. I have always wanted an CAG :o

She was not used to touching, but is letting us pet her head and allowing me to massage her neck to the skin. She barbers and plucks. Other then that she is great. She talks up a storm. We got her a larger cage right away when we moved her as to minimize and more trauma in the future. She wasn't used to water either. She has had 2 bathes and some spraying both of which went well and we put a heater by the cage to help drying. She was extremely dusty or had alot of dander. Not any more. She isn't used to real food at all and shuns it. Only will eat her mix and peanuts and occasionally a banana chip. We took her to the vet as she hasn't seen one is a while. Vet said her diet ( food she is on ) is very good. She weighs 420 grams but has arrhythmia in her heart. Zero outward signs though. We were told to just keep an eye on her for wobbling or flat out falling of the perch.

Any tips on the barbers and plucks would be greatly appreciated.

We do love her to pieces.


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Welcome to you both. From talking with our Avian Vet he reports that many plucking or barbering birds that do so on a localized area such as a chest or wing are often showing us that they have a health issue in that area. Knowing she has a plucked chest area may indicate that the arrhythmia is some thing she knows is not right. The barbering may show some improvement with the frequent mistings and adding some good fresh foods to her diet along with some unfiltered Sunlight.

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Hello Moni and welcome to our family.

Thanks so much for giving Kaylee a new forever home and it sounds like she is adjusting just fine. Sorry to hear of the heart issue but its good she was given a vet visit, at least you know about it now and what to look for. She looks like a real sweetheart especially in that last picture.

The baths are necessary and its good you are going thru with bathing even if she doesn't like them as it keeps the dust and dander down and it makes her feel better even if she would disagree with you, you can also try spraying her with 100% aloe vera juice as it comes from the bottle, (find it in your local Walmart or similar store) it will be soothing to her skin.

I would offer her a lot of different vegetables and try them in different ways, cooked, raw, chopped, mashed, sliced or whatever way you want for some prefer them a particular way but the key is to keep offering even if she doesn't eat them at first, usually in time they will at least try them.

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Welcome Moni and Kaylee. :)


Thanks for the photos. It sounds like you are providing her with a lot of love and a GreYt living environment. Thanks for the photos, she is a pretty girl regardless of some feather damage. As greywings said, that may just improve with the care and bathing you are now providing. She certainly seems to be a happy and loving grey. :)

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Never thought of the heart condition and the chest plucking. Hmmm Makes perfect sense to me. We are considering having her seen by the Avian Cardiologist. We are very lucky to have an avian vet and the cardiologist in our city along with a wonderful avian store , Odd since its not a big city outside of Cleveland Oh.

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Welcome and congrats! She is a cutie! One thing i read was that you put a heater by her cage. Please be sure it is safe as most are not, containing teflon.

GOOD POINT...Also, Always air dry your Grey, no heater, blow-dryer etc.

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