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"Step Away from the Cockatiels!"


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Hola everybody! Finally...mama just left the computer long enough for me to get on...she says she has "homework" but I think it is just an excuse to play on the computer...cause she talks to herself and she is always saying "No Salsa, I don't need your help'. Obviously she does but she is too stubborn to admit it...(she gets that from me):rolleyes:

Mama and I share a special game she calls "Step Away from the Cockatiels". Every morning after she comes home and every night, she goes into the other room and cleans the cages. I LOVE to go in and supervise...and I REALLY LOVE to climb up on the high cage and stand up really high and look around. Those little birds that look kinda like Tango live in there and once in a while they try to nip at my toes but I set them straight fast. ;)Then, Mama and I play our little "Salsa, Step away from the Cockatiels" game. I like to play hard to get and go all the way back to the corner cause Mama is so short, she can't reach. Then I tell everybody to "Step up" cause it is important to learn how to do that. When I get tired of that game, I come over and let her pick me up. By that time, her hair is sticking out everywhere cause she keeps putting her hands in her hair and pulling...I think she likes it that way cause she wears it that way a LOT!:P Ooops, gotta go...Joe's coming...if I hurry, I can play with his toys while he's busy...hehehehe!

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Hola my amigos and amigas...where is everybody??? I feel kinda lonely here...No one to talk to...Joe's stuck up, Tango doesn't like me to bother her, can't play with the Cockatiels, Conures, or Pistachio (the IRN) and Rolo the dog is no fun...he doesn't care if I poop on him. So come on everybody...let's fiesta!!!!!


Greetings...Joe here...Salsa has gone off the deep end again...if I only had a cork! She goes on like this day after day after day...I can't find her shut off switch. I get tired saying "Salsa, shut up" every day...it leaves no time to regenerate my brain cells through meditation. Telepathy is not a problem...it is the telekinetic process that I need to develop. Then I can apply my own cork...from a distance...hehehehee!!!!!

Edited by Spock
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Cricket here. I just have not had any time to post much, but I hope things will change will soon.

We are still trying to get over the loss of Little One.

Dad never let me out at the same time the tiels are out because of my size.

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