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My First Time Away From Gracie


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Well the time has finally arrived. I am going to a conference in Dallas for three days and I have to leave Gracie. She will be staying with my parents. The good thing is that she knows them and likes them. The bad part is that she will not step up on them or let them handle her unless she is in trouble after a crash landing. We have converted a small office into a bird room and have made it "bird safe". She will have her cage door open to go in and out as she pleases. Both my parents are retired and will be home most of the day. They have said they will hang out with her and be with her several hours a day. I think it will work out, but Gracie has become kind of needy over the last couple of months. She hates to be away from me. Every morning when I get ready to leave for work, she starts pulling on the heart strings. She says "Daddy go bye bye in car. Daddy go to work. Gracie want Daddy. " She often lands on my head and grabs on to my hair to keep me from going. Please tell she me she will be ok. I know you have been there. She won't start plucking or hate me when I return will she?

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Corky my grey has a strong bond with me my wife and son.

My wife has had to go to the hospital a number of times and when she came home Corky would have nothing to do with her for a number of days.

After the third time we noticed that if she was in the hospital for 3 days Corky would have nothing to do with her for 3 days and that things went back to normal. If she was in for 5 days it took 5 days to get back to normal. It`s like she made the wife pay the same number of days for her absence before Corky let things go back to normal.

It always went back to as good as ever.

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Gracie is going to be just fine! Think of this as her " first sleepover!." An important part of her growth. Make sure you leave with lots of kisses, show her you are excited for her to bond with grandma and grandpa. Call her nightly, have them put her on the phone. Sophie talks to Ryan all the time. DON"T let her see you stressed, as well as when calling. If you are stressed... she will be also. You MAY getpunished when you get home. I don't get that from Sophie.More Kiki. Nancy

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