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Little One flew to the rainbow bridge.

Ray P

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This morning as I uncovered my birds my beautiful Pied female cockatiel had flown to the rainbow bridge. Her trip was a surprise and unexpected.

She was only 8 years old and a real sweetheart. the wife and son has taken it very hard, me too.

We have been expecting Willie my 22 year old grey to go first because of his age.

She was just as sweet as she looked.

RIP my sweet little girl.

It took me all day to post this.



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Ray I'm really sorry to read this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know it was a shock. The pics are very nice--she looks absolutely lovely. I know you would have done anything for her if you had known she needed your help. When we open our hearts we risk the pain--but I know it is worth it. My condolences.

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Ray, I am so sorry for your loss, I know you have had tiels for many years and they hold a special place in your heart. I bet you are holding Willie a little closer now, I have a tiel now myself so I know how they can capture your heartstrings, again please accept my condolences on your loss.

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