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what is a boing?

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Yep--Trance posted the beloved boing. It's a great perch and moves in a way that they can play and swing and attack their toys. In my opinion the boing is a must when you have a parrot. My CAG loves hers. You can hang them anywhere and the birds just love 'em.

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I had to remove Bongo's from his cage. He still has one on his stand but he had those rope strings caked and stuck on the back of his lower beak, he loves to chew them up and i can't risk anything happening to him when i am not home. Plus i am worried about him ingesting it and getting blocked up, so as much as he loves it i have to limit his time with it!

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Sterling... Russell feed on 199, cheap cheap cheap boings. More than half the price of the pet stores. I want to say like 16.00 bucks compared to the $40.00 prices at the pet stores. Great toys there too. Thet laugh at me when i go in cuz i tend to buy them out... 5 parrots, what can i say.

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