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Contact Calls revisited


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The topic of contact calls have come up very often. I thought I would post Dayo's softer contact calls. You can tell I normally tell him "I hear you".


But, sometimes he makes ear splitting contact calls that I will get on video at another time.


Edited by danmcq
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I am counting my blessings that Gracie doesn't do the shrill, ear splitting contact calling (yet anyway). She mainly does a lot of talking...On occassion she does an irritatiing cough she knows I hate. If all else fails she announces that she will dump her food bowl--which she knows will get me running back. I have allowed myself to become putty in her talons.

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Timber's is rather pleasant (to my ears). He does a sort of chirp sound then a whistle. Wish I could tape it but he only does it when he hears me getting up in the morning or hears me coming home in the evening. His "hey, get in here" noises vary from annoying to coaxing.

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Come to think of it... Sophie's contact calls are nice. Kiki.... embarassing from a neighborhood perspective. Sunny, I just realized he has the most contact calls. Can't speak a word, but he is the first to tell me to get out of bed on a Saturday at 6am. NOOOOOOO.... NOT getting up until 8am is MY contact call back! LOL Nancy

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I played this for Tango while he was doing his smoke detector noise and he immediately stopped that noise and started doing a much more pleasant noise like the one Dayo is doing. As soon as the video stopped, the smoke detector noise started right back up. I may put this video on repeat. :)



Photo on 2013-03-21 at 11.26 #2 by itsxjustxnikki, on Flickr


Tango was intrigued

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Tango officially loves this video. Every time I play it he starts making contact calls back. I love it. This sound is much more pleasant than the smoke detector sound.


Well I am glad Tango finds the more pleasant contact calls by Dayo are helping with the smoke detector sounds. As I said, this video is of his milder contact calls. When I catch a video of dayo on a day he is more demanding with ear piercing calls I'll post it. But you may want to ban Tango from ever hearing it. :P

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