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New owner to be!


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Hey Everyone!


Firstly I have to say what an awesome forum this is! Especially for soon to be owners like me! I've been browsing the forum as a guest for the last few days and I've really found the "prospective owners" thread fantastic as it has everything you could ever even think to ask prior to being an AG owner.


My name is Vicky and my baby Timneh will be ready to take home from the breeder in April once he/she is fully weaned. I'm so excited and cannot wait to take him/her home. I've wanted an AG since I was a little girl and whilst I've had budgies and my family bred cockatiels I have always had a special appreciation for these beautiful birds. I love the idea of having a companion for life with the bird as I'm only 24 at the moment and recently married so it'll be nice to add another member to the family and to know that in a few years when we do decide to have children they'll grow up with the bird also.


I've attached a pic as I know everyone likes a baby bird picture. Mine is the smaller of the two, it makes me laugh as I think at this age they look like little dinosaurs lol!


I've read as many books and as much online as I can so far and I just need help with a few things. There isn't a specific requirement that I've seen for cages and I wanted to see if the one I like below is suitable? I have decided that I do not want to have it's wings clipped and would like to have my bird out of the cage as much as possible either on a playstand/top or with me and my husband so whilst the cage is necessary for sleeping and when I'm out I'd love to fully integrate my new bird into our family.


Link to cage - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Large-Bird-Parrot-Cage-Aviary-Cage-Pet-Macaw-African-Gray-Cockatiels-Portable-/400409975044?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D6355196922957395563%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D400409975044%26


I'm going to be reading up on how best to bring him/her home and introduce to the cage so still I have a lot to prepare but very excited so far.


Is there anything I need to look out for or ask whilst at the breeders before I take my AG home? I'm just trying to get as much info as I can to ensure I'm the best owner I can be.


Thanks for the help, I'm looking forward to getting to know my way around the forum! :)





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Welcome to the forum. Glad you're here and I am excited for you and your new addition. I couldn't find the dimensions for the cage, but it looks OK for a TAG provided your bird has a lot of out of cage time. It looks about the same size as the one I use for my CAG when we visit my parents house. She is really only in there sleep and it works fine. If your TAG is going to be in the cage for many hours at a time aside from sleeping, you might consider something somewhat bigger.

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Thanks for the welcome!


No, no names yet as I don't know whether it's a he or she it'll be a gender neutral name. We're going to see what suits the baby out of the names we have thought up once we've seen it.


The cage dimensions are in the pictures on the link if you click in those. It seems a reasonable size in comparison to others I've seen but as said before id like the bird to be out on the playtop as much as possible :).


Is there anything that I should be asking the breeder when I pick the baby bird up. I don't want to kick myself for not asking something that I should have.


Sorry for all the questions!

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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome, you will find lots of help and support on here the guys are great and give tips you dont find in books but things they have found that work, I can rememeber only just under a year ago feeling just as you do now waiting for my baby to come home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOVE the cage. Any cage you get for a grey, should be forever, as they don't accept change well. They should " grow" into the cage. Once you bring baby home, sometimes they need an " extra feeding"... off a spoon. Ask the owner for a recipe you may need to give your grey. Even though many babies come home fully " weaned", sometimes they need that extra feeding, and should be given it. It satisfies the "oral" stage. Sophie our grey, was adopted at age two. Kiki our Amazon, came home as a baby.We had to do extra feedings for the next six months. She eventually became the best eater of all fruits and veggies,and taught the grey and sunconure to LOVE their fresh food. ALWAYS satisy the oral stage Nancy

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Hello Vicky and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your first grey and I am so glad to hear you have done your homework to get prepared for the day you bring your Tag home, you have chosen an awesome creature to share your life with and so glad your dream is about to become reality. You have already been given some excellent advice, you have a good cage and hopefully some toys for him/her to play with. Be sure to ask your breeder what foods are being offered and what brand of pellets are being fed to your baby.

Thanks for including a picture of your baby in your intro post and I look forward to seeing lots more in the future.

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