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odd behavior

chloe's mom

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Chloe has been pooping in her food dish and water dish lately, I moved her perches that were by the dishes thinking that would help but now she sits on the edge of the bowls and poops i'm having to change her food and water a lot lately does any one have any suggestions on how to stop this.

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I suspect she is spending to much time in her cage. Misty will not poop in his cage if he can possibly help it. But he does spend most of his time out of his cage. His cage is smaller than most and is partly covered. When he goes to sleep at night he perches under the covered part and waits until I let him out in the morning and take him to the bathroom for his first huge dollop.

In the wild Greys live in holes in trees and never poop in those or they perch and sleep out side where it is not a problem.

If it is not possible to give a Chloe lot of out of cage time, if her cage is big enough try having part of it covered . You may find she treats that part as a sleeping hole/cave where she won't poop so you could place her food near there.

Speaking of poop I am forever grateful that Grey poop hardly smells at all unlike cat and dog offerings.:eek:


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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