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Storm is usually at the counter when I am doing dishes, sometimes he likes to sit on the tap or at the window etc etc...today he wanted on the tap, as soon as I started to run the water he went crazy, pacing and trying to figure out a way to get to it, so I put him up there....whenever he has been there before he just sits and watches me, but tonight was different...HE HAD FUN...this is going to become a part of our regular routine a few times a week now, he had a lot of fun playing, drinking and trying to find a way to dismantle my tap, which I'm sure he will have figured out in no time at all. Especially since it only took him minutes to remove every key from my laptop not that long ago lol.


To watch this you need to click on the pic when it comes up




The tap was on cold so when I picked him up after his poor feet were freezing, will that hurt him? I ended up starting the tap up again with warmer water to warm his feet up.

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Cute video. The Kitchen water faucet is Dayo's favorite place hang out when we are in the kitchen, family room or out on the patio where he can see us from it. Our handle is a lever on top that he turns on and off himself when he wants a drink or sometimes he does like sorm and plays in the water stream with his talons, beak etc. I cannot count the faucet aerators he has destroyed. Storm is going to have a blast and you can leverage that. :)


Dayo goofing around with the kitchen water faucet:


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