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Hello just joined the forum. Thought I would say HI. I have 2 greys they are both about 5 years old and we have had what we think is a female for a little over a year now. We are getting her DNA tested tomorrow. We just got our second grey Shiloh Saturday he is DNA tested to be a male. Both are healthy. Bailey is pretty well adjusted and Shiloh is still adjusting. I work second shift and my girlfriend works first shift so they are out of their cages almost all day other then when we are not home and for about 2.5 hours in the afternoon when I leave for work and my girlfriend gets home. Bailey kinda likes my girl friend better then me I can handle her but no petting. I am taking it really slow with Shiloh and hope we bond and I am able to pet him when we brought him home I was able to give him a little scratch on the head and he lets me once in a while but yesterday he nipped at me so I need to slow down. I do not think he is not used to being out all day I got up this morning and let them out for about 30 min to use the bathroom and Shiloh let me scratch his head then I had to run to Walmart and put them back in their cages and gave them a treat. Bailey is crazy for peanuts and Shiloh likes grapes. Now his door is open but won't come out. The people we got Shiloh from had him trained to make a noise with a kids toy when he is hungry. When you give him food he pigs out. I do not like this and would like to be able to let him have food in his dish all day. Do any of you think it's a bad idea to let him have more food ? I'm sure he will pig out at first but think he might learn fast that he doesn't need to pig out and his food will be there? It should only be fair that he can eat when ever he wants. What if we are not home all day and he's hungry.

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Hello Charlie and welcome to our family.

In regards to keeping food in the cage all the time yes please do, greys do not overeat, they will stop when they are satisfied and they like to eat all day so a good seed mix and/or pellets should be provided at all times. I would go easy on the grapes, they have little to no nutritional value and are mostly sugar, better to provide lots of different vegetables and leave fruit as an occasional treat.

It sounds like you want Shiloh to bond with you but realize we can't control who they prefer so he may like your girlfriend more but it sounds like you will still have a good relationship with him even if he prefers her but don't worry about that right now or he will pick up on that for they are very in tune with our emotions and when we are stressed.

You are doing the right thing in taking it slow and easy, never rush a grey for more than they are willing to give at any given time and you will earn their trust.

Would love to see some pictures of Bailey and Shiloh if you have some you would share with us.

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Yeah he did just come out and I tried to go pick him up but he just went back in his cage so to show him that he can trust me I gave him some food and said its ok and walked way I'm trying it figure out what he likes for treats I don't want to use food as a reward but also don't want to give him a ton of grapes so only time will tell I have to keep trying different things bailey likes dried papaya and peanuts. So I hope I can figure out what Shiloh likes other then grapes. Ill get some pictures up soon

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Welcome to you, Shiloh and Bailey! You are right about the grapes, greys aren't supposed to have much fruit. Favorite treats at my house include pine nuts, cashews and walnuts. I can get all of those unsalted, and they are good for them in small quantities. Good luck! :)

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Judy I'm hoping he bonds with me but only time will tell bailey has boned with my girlfriend so I hope Shiloh bonds with me when we first got bailey I was working a lot and wasn't home much so my girlfriend was around more she is going to try and not do has much with Shiloh as she did with bailey and let me be the first one to try and handle him a little more and more each day as he settles in ill also be the one that rewards him for good behavior I know in the end tho really their is not anything we can do as to who he will choose but bailey was raised by a lady before we got her so its no surprise that she took to my girlfriend and Shiloh was mostly handle by a guy before we got him so we hope all will works out

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If they are not supposed to have fruit is ZuPreem fruit blend ok as a main food that's what baileys old owners fed her so that's what we have been giving her we tried some other ZUPREEM but won't eat it Shiloh eats ZuPreem natural and I gave bailey a pice as a treat and she ate it should i try a switch her to the natural and maybe just a little of the fruit blend

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If they are not supposed to have fruit is ZuPreem fruit blend ok as a main food that's what baileys old owners fed her so that's what we have been giving her we tried some other ZUPREEM but won't eat it Shiloh eats ZuPreem natural and I gave bailey a pice as a treat and she ate it should i try a switch her to the natural and maybe just a little of the fruit blend


Hello and welcome, aren't these members just the greatest. It's best to stay away from any coloring in pellets, it's hasn't been proven it's safe. Zupreem Natural and Nut blend are great, along with Harrision's, Rowdybush etc...Again welcome....Jay

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Hi Charlie, Shiloh and Bailey, Welcome to the grey forum. OH I don`t want to forget your girlfriend so say to her to.

Judy has given you some great advice and it sounds like things are going great. OH yah we love pictures.

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Welcome and congrats! As far as food goes, mine all have a bowls of pellets, zupreem nut blend and veggie blend mixed, a bowl with some mixed seeds all the time in their cage and their stands and then they get a bowl of fresh food for breakfast and then a fresh food dinner. Dyes in the pellets are not really good but if they eat, i am happy, i find most of the food on the floors and walls. ( dyes are not good for us either but i love my m&m's, lol ) There are great food threads on here that open the world up for feeding options! My advice is to not stress, sit back, interact as permitted and enjoy your new future!

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