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We built Tango a perch...


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And by we, I mean my boyfriend. :) We recently remodeled the bathroom and took down the shower doors and the tile we have isn't exactly shower perch friendly. It doesn't stick because of the spacing of the tile on the wall.


Tango loves to just sit in the shower and talk...not to actually get wet or shower with people. So he has been asking all week to "go sit in the shower". We felt really bad that he couldn't so we built a contraption out of pvc that sits in the tub and is movable so basically he can use it in any room.


Here is a video of his first experience of it in the shower. (We tried it out in the living room first because he tends to be petrified of things.)




So far he seems to like it. He is anxious in the video because he knows I am recording him. I turned the video off and he relaxed and chatted for another 15 minutes.

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OMG! Tango is amazing! He doesn't care about the shower!( although, that is the next step!) Good luck! What I found so wonderful about the video, is Tango is comfortable with himself, and is developing confidence. That comes from his owners. Developing his " autonomy",is the BEST thing you can do for a bird. I see many amazing experiences for you all. Continue what you are doing. Nancy

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Tango prefers his shower in his cage. So I have a spray bottle that I mist him with. He just loves to sit in the shower with or with out people. I would put him on his shower perch while I got ready ever since he was little and now he asks to sit in the shower. It's so cute.


This is bath time:




This video is from a couple of years ago, he has a much larger bowl now!

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