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African grey tail and feathers losing

Farukh Rahim

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I have an african grey with the age of 14 months almost. My mother did a mistake few months back by cutting her feathers so that he could not fly...those feathers didn't grow again but the surprising thing is that she started loosing her tail feathers as well....now i am really worried about her feathers which are not growing at all.... can anyone tell me is this her food issue or sumthng else....someone said that she might have some insects in her feathers (which i could not see)...some said that she has diet problem ...so i m confused as i am at a city where i can't find any doctor.... i hope you guys will help me up...

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She probably did too drastic a wing clip but it does take time for new ones to come back as they usually lose these over a long period of time, sometimes it can take up to two years for all those clipped to be replaced as tail and wing feathers usually molt out at varying times but there could be some nutritional deficiency but the only way to find that out is by taking her to see an avian vet which I recommend you do if at all possible even if you have to travel for several hours to get there.

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Welcome Farukh Rahim. :)


When primary flight feathers are cut, it takes over a year many times for them to molt out and for new feathers to grow in. I suspect the tail feathers are falling out due to your grey trying to fly or falling in the cage and damaging them, which makes them fall out. With this thought in mind, you should also make certain that your grey is never in a place with hard tile floors for example that it could try to fly or become afraid an fly. Ahard surface landing when feathers have been cut cold lead to a split keel (Breast Bone) and result in you having to take your grey to a vet immediately to stop the bleeding and suture the open wound.


Eidt : Guess I was typing while you posted Judy. You gave great comments and advice. :)

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