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Picking feather under both wings

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Hi All,


I think I have found answer on my question, here is it (http://www.avianweb.com/PBFD.html):


Feather Plucker or PBFD? Young chicks are not likely to pluck; so this would not apply to chicks. However, if an adult bird develops bald spots, you might consider either possibility. You can distinguish between PBFD and normal feather plucking by looking at where the feathers are being lost. If they are missing from the head and crest - an area they cannot get to with their beak to pluck - then it is likely to be Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease.


A Bird Suffering from PBFD ...


is likely to show the characteristic abnormal feather and beak growth

might have feathers that look like stubbles and are obviously deformed

is likely to have short ‘clubbed’ feathers

may develop curly feathers

may have feather shafts that often break, or you might see narrowing or pinching of the shafts (this condition worsens with each molt and your bird will usually become progressively balder due to inactivity of its feather follicles).

may have a beak that is deformed, especially the upper beak, and often overgrown; the beak usually splits or breaks


Do you understand what "PBFD"? Do you understand that it is deadly? Enough, GET YOUR GREY MEDICAL ATTENTION ASAP.





by Stewart A. Metz, M.D.


1.GET TO KNOW ABOUT PARROTS BEFORE YOU BRING ME HOME - I am not a domesticated pet like a dog or cat. I still have the spirit of the jungle in me. I have special needs which you may find it hard to fill. Please don't learn these too late for my well-being. And please don't acquire one of my cousins wild from the jungle—it will jeopardize his survival and well-being, and that won't be a party for you either!

2.GIVE ME THE LARGEST HOME POSSIBLE - I am used to flying through rainforests or savannas. I have given up this great gift for your pleasure. At the very least, give me enough room to flap my wings and exercise. And I need toys for my amusement and wood to chew—otherwise, I might confuse your Home with the forest and its trees.

3.GIVE ME A NUTRITIOUS DIET - I need a wide variety of fresh and nutritious foods, even if they take time to prepare. I cannot survive on seeds alone. Take time to learn what my needs, and preferences, are.

4.LET ME HAVE A 'SOCIAL LIFE' - I am a gregarious flock animal—but I am not one of you. I need lots of socialization to learn how to act with you, and with my siblings. I also need to have adequate quality time with you every day—no matter what your schedule or other needs are. I am a living,feeling creature. Above all, I need to be able to have complete trust in you, and count on your predictability in looking after me—every day.

5.LET ME BE CLEAN - I may like to drop food or even throw it, but I need meticulous cleanliness to be healthy. My skin itches without frequent showers, the barbs of my feathers won't seal if they become oily and, worst of all, I may become ill if my food or water is not always sanitary.

6.I NEED MY OWN DOCTOR - You may not understand my physiology and therefore you may not recognize it early on when I get sick. And it may be too late when you do, because I hide my illnesses (remember what I said about my being an animal of the jungle, where there are lots of predators). And I need an avian vet—a specialist (no HMOs for me please). If you can't afford one, perhaps you shouldn't have taken me home.

7.PLEASE DON'T PUNISH ME - Just as I don't always understand your peculiarities, you may not understand mine. I don't TRY to get in trouble—remember, a house is not the jungle. If I do screw up, don't yell at me and never hit me. I have sensitive ears and I may never trust you again if you strike me. Hands are sometimes scary things to us (why in the world would you not be zygodactylous like us?). Even more importantly, we don't learn by punishment. We are gentle creatures who only strike back to protect ourselves; we learn through patience and love.

8.SPEAK MY " LANGUAGE" - I know you get upset with me when I knock over my water bowl, throw food, scream or pluck my feathers. I don't do these to annoy you—I am probably trying to tell you something ( perhaps that I am hurting, lonely , or sad.). Learn to speak MY (body) language. Remember that I , alone of all creatures on this planet, learn to speak yours!

9.SEE ME AS AN INDIVIDUAL - I am a unique and feeling being.. No two of us are alike. Please don't be disappointed in me if I don't talk like you wanted, or can't do the tricks that your friend's parrot can do. But if you pay close attention to me (and I always empathize with you, whether you know it or not), I will show you a unique being who will give you so much more than talking and playing.. Give me a chance to show you who I am; I think you'll find the effort worth it. And remember—I am not an ornament;. I do not enhance ANY living room décor. And I am not a status symbol—if you use me as such, I might nip at your up-turned nose!

10.SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH ME - Above all, please remember that you are my Special Person. I put all my trust and faith in you.. We parrots are used to being monogamous.(no bar-hopping for us!).So please don't go away for long periods or give me away—that would be a sadness from which I may never recover. If that seems to be asking a lot, remember—you could have learned about my needs before bringing me home. Even having a baby or taking a new job isn't a fair reason—you made a commitment to me FIRST. And if you think that you must leave me because you might die, provide for me forever after you leave. I may live to a ripe old age but I can't provide for myself. Remember I'm in a small cage amongst people who are not of my blood.

11.YOUR RIGHTS - You have lots of rights, but I can only assure one. And that is, if you treat me the way I described above, I will reward you with unwavering love, humor, knowledge, beauty, dedication-- and a sense of wonder and awe you haven't felt since you were a child. When you took me home, you became my Flock Leader, indeed, my entire universe –for life. I would hang the moon and stars for you if I could. We are one in Heart and Soul

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The wounds your Photos show is not PBFD. As Jay and all keep saying, please get medical attention for your grey. It would be sad to hear he died due to simply not being taken to ANY medical source you can find avian or not.

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danmcq let me explain,


1. I live in Georgia (Not In USA) and here we do not have avian vets unfortunately! I have called to head of vets of our zoo, but he said that: "they are not able to help me!" because they do not have avian vet and they do not know how to cure african gray (and in general parrots!!!)

2. The reason why I was registered here was above mentioned - I thought that in case you may help me, but unfortunately I was mistaken

3. I think, you guys do not love my Grey as I and my family does. Zhakuna (as we call her) she lives with us 20 years already.


Maybe there was no need to explain but... anyway...

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Leonili - I wish we could help you further, but we are not avian vets. I wish someone here was, because we will do anything we can to help someone. Unfortunately, this is a case where true medical attention is required. It truly breaks my heart that you and your grey are in this situation.


The only thing I can offer with no guarantee is to put a collar on your bird and apply a thin layer of neosporin or aloe to try and keep infections down and the healing process to begin.

Edited by danmcq
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danmcq let me explain,


1. I live in Georgia (Not In USA) and here we do not have avian vets unfortunately! I have called to head of vets of our zoo, but he said that: "they are not able to help me!" because they do not have avian vet and they do not know how to cure african gray (and in general parrots!!!)

2. The reason why I was registered here was above mentioned - I thought that in case you may help me, but unfortunately I was mistaken

3. I think, you guys do not love my Grey as I and my family does. Zhakuna (as we call her) she lives with us 20 years already.


Maybe there was no need to explain but... anyway...


Here's two places you can check. You can also go to a chicken [farm]vet or doctor, a grey and a chicken physiology are similar and treatment would be the same....



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Here's two places you can check. You can also go to a chicken [farm]vet or doctor, a grey and a chicken physiology are similar and treatment would be the same....




I have never tired a "Vet online", I don't know if there good or not! Maybe you'd like to try one.....



You can apply the neosporin and lightly wrap the wings and body with Vet-Wrap, [horse doctor or pet supplys]

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Some symptoms and clinical signs of heavy metal poisoning are:


  • lethargy and depression
  • decreased appetite and weight loss
  • increased thirst
  • abnormal droppings: greenish black in color, blood in droppings, diarrhea
  • weakness/ lack of coordination: falling from perches, inability to fly or walk straight
  • vomiting
  • shivering
  • feather plucking/mutilation
  • seizures

Zinc and lead are the two most frequent metals found in a bird’s system, but copper is also toxic and is usually ingested by chewing on electrical wiring and is found in some padlocks. There are many seemingly innocuous things in our homes that contain lead and/or zinc, some of them may surprise you:

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Hi All,


Thanks for supporting, we are trying vet online in Russia (have no other chance). Already sent all info, now waiting for response, I'll update as soon as possible.


Thank you..............................

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Vet online thinks it is insult after earthquake and recommended: antibiotics (ciprofloxacin), for immun system (Imunofan), for wounds mix of Clotrimazole and BETADINE and for interstine wormwood tea. Hope it will be helpful...

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After furthur viewing the wound, it is actually quite clean, and should heal well, if treated. There is a 1/4 inch of tissue, that is questionable, needing furthur debridement,if not responsive to peroxide/ saline and neosporin. Nancy

Jayd...I .know you disagree with me... but I'm not giving an inch. I know you think my peroxide dose is high, but it really isn't. This bird is only topically infected right now.Your dose of peroxide is too weak. I personally would be cleaning with betadine,for good measure. Yes, I'm an expert with human wounds... but this bird needs our help. Avians are not available. As I am an expert with wounds, even though they are human...I suggest we try it. Nancy

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Vet online thinks it is insult after earthquake and recommended: antibiotics (ciprofloxacin), for immun system (Imunofan), for wounds mix of Clotrimazole and BETADINE and for interstine wormwood tea. Hope it will be helpful...


Hi Leonilli. How is your grey responding to the treatments the online avian vet prescribed? I do hope things are improving.

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Hi Leonilli. I've no doubt you love your baby. Please don't doubt that everyone here wants the best for both of you. I hope the on-line vets advise is helping. I was wondering, did you get your bird from a breeder? I know it's been 20 years but they may still be around and be able to help. I don't have much to add to the advice of the other members, but if Zhakuna is falling, put some towels down at the bottom of the cage and underneath anywhere she perches to cusion her fall. Poor baby probably can't use her wings to balance normally. We're all here sending good thoughts. Please keep us updated on how she's responding to treatment.

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Hi All,


Thank you guys.... Vet online really works :) I am happy and my Zhakuna as well :) She is improving day by day. We are on 5th day of the treatment and will continue antibiotics till Monday (for 7 days), mix of Clotrimazole and BETADINE till next Monday (for 14 days), wormwood tea till next Monday (for 14 days) and Imunofan for 100 days...


I'll keep you updated :)

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