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Jeez......my mom!!!


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Good Grief!!! My mom doesnt understand why I cluck when I get excited! Doesn't she no anything about us Amazons????


When ever she talks to me or asks me to do a trick, I am so excited by her attention I cluck repeatedly to show my excitment, WHY does she think that's cute and abnormal?? Come on Salsa and all you guys, tell her!!!!!!!


Constanty having to teach her about us, you would think she would have done her research!

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Hi Nilah, Cricket here. I don`t cluck but Corky the CAG that lives here dose all the time just like a chicken.

When I get excited I run all over my cage, I run around the sides and than over the top and than down to the floor and back to the top and than I go to my door perch so my dad can let me out.

When I am in my cage and dad is in the other room I yell real loud RAY, RAY Untill he comes and lets me out and then I run up his arm to his shoulder and get real close to his head and I will be real quiet and he forgets I am there and I can stay out for a real long time.

His shoulder is the best place in the world to be. I will be real quiet and some times I will poop down his back and not tell him about it I. think he dose not say anything about it because he loves me so much. I can do almost anything I want, but when I start on the wood work he puts me back in the cage. I may have to stop the wood work thing.

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Hola!!!....Salsa here...parronts can be such a pain...I always go "Cluck, cluck, cluck" and Babe and Papa call me their "evil green chicken"..(cause they love me SOOO much!) Babe always sings my favorite song about a farmer in a dell and I cluck every single time she sings about me and my clucking...(and on time and in rhythm too) When Papa asks Joe what I say, he always says "Cluck, Cluck", cause that is my favorite saying besides "Salsa is a GOOD girl!" and "Salsa is a pretty girl"....(Cause I am of course)....Babe loooves to play my new game...catch Salsa if you can. She is short so I know if I stand at the back of Joe's cage on top, she can't reach me, even when she gets higher on her box that she stands on...after a while I get tired of the game and pretend that I'm letting her get me so I can get my good night treat...but, I still give her a nip or two to keep her on her toes so she doesn't think I'm easy and can be bribed with treats...(I can, but she doesn't need to know that...sheesh!) You just hafta keep trying to train your mama...I know it's hard sometimes...boy can they be stubborn...just keep at her...:P Hahaha, Cricket, I poop on Papa and I know he loooves it cause he always says "Saaalllsssaa!" They don't let me near the walls anymore, or the cabinets, or the counters....hmm? Papa gives me some new plastic caps (Safety caps is what he calls them) from his needles that he saves for me and I looove to chew. He saves them in a bowl and I chew on them and spit them out...Joe likes to play with now too, but he pretends he is too good for that...Hasta la vista, baby....

Edited by Spock
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