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Sophie's vacation

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I am off for one week. I am sooooo excited! Absolutely exhausted.... planned on doing NOTHING! I never thought that it would turn into Sophie's vacation! LOL! Three days into doing nothing, has been so rewarding. Sophie and I hanging out together constantly. If I fall asleep on the couch...Sophie there settling in with her beak under my eye, snoring like crazy. ( although... I don't snore!) LOL

Sophie had a big fight with a popsicle stick in her clutches! I am so glad she won that fight! I told that stick " BAD popsicle stick! " She was pleased. This morning after taking dogs water bowl out of dishwasher.... she climbed in, gave herself a bath, which is unheard of!

This morning Kiki flew in to suntan in our bay window. Sophie flew in.... sat on the pillow next to her, but didn't tease Kiki as I saw she wanted too! Kiki gave her a look and simple warning. Sophie held her spot without annoying Kiki.

What I LOVE the most about Sophie's vacation, is how happy she is over the most littlest thing! A very simple life, and how simple things make her sooo happy! I'm learning from her! My life doesn't need to be so complicated, and I need to stepback and identify what is important, and what is not. Nancy

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Its going great! Sean home from college, he also has had to " step up to the plate", for Sophie. Sophie is glad he brought home his croc shoes. Sticking her beak in a hole, running! That means..."tag, you're it!" LOL! I wasn't happy though today she flew down to the basement when Sean was down there replacing some PVC pipes to my washer. She flew down to help him. After finishing the job he brought her up said " she has no home improvement skills!" WHAT???? You should have called me! Nancy

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Just glad Sophie is having such a good time! It must have took alot of thought to fly down and see Sean. I always close the basement door as well as others to keep her safe. With her " new flying" ability."...she's been testing the waters. The basement is very scary for her. She prevailed, and I'm proud of Sean for praising her,and letting her help him. Of course, the basement door is closed again....Nancy

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