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No Scream Challenge: Day 9


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Tango is spending a couple of days with my parents because we are doing some painting around the house. I have to admit it is a nice little vacation from the training. My parents know the drill, no rewarding behavior for screaming so hopefully this doesn't set me back too much.


Things are moving along ok, he knows that I won't give into his screaming. My boyfriend is another story. I am working on training him at the same time too. Needless to say it is definitely a work in progress.


I feel like strangling my boyfriend sometimes........

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Sounds like Tango has your boyfriends number and is using it to his advantage.


Yes. I agree 1000%!

Well my mom and stepdad did a good job of keeping up with the training during his mini vacation and ignored his screaming. He stopped immediately for them, so there is hope for me! He is back home tonight and its back to training for me. I enjoyed the mini break, but missed him too! We will see how tomorrow goes once he is back in his routine.

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So, he stopped for them. There's more than hope for you - you're more than halfway there. He knows what's up, he's just checking your resolve. The only way to stop Tango's screaming is for both of you to be 100% consistant. Anything less than that will confuse and frustrate him, and may actually lead to more problems. A frustrated bird acts out. So ... you have to find some way to get your boyfriend on board all the way. One funny thought though. I don't know how long you have been together or how old you are, but you could look at him and say "so, this is how you're going to be with kids? Giving in and making me the bad guy?!" lol

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It seems to depend on the day really. I work at night some nights so my boyfriend is alone with him for a few hours until I get home. Last night, he said that he didn't really scream too much when he was home, but tonight was a different story. He said he screamed the whole time he had been home and didn't really stop long enough for him to make it to the cage to let him out. Which is fine, because he needs to learn that he can't scream and get picked up.


When I am home with him during the day he doesn't do it really anymore. So now it is just breaking the habit at night when I am not at home.Since I have been home he has been pretty quiet. We have also been hanging on the couch the past couple of days and Tango has been sitting with us, so I am not sure if that is keeping him quiet.

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I was wondering if some of it is just exuberant grey behaviour and he just doesn't know, or favour, any other sounds. They do have to be loud at least a couple of times a day. As I type, looney tunes in his cage behind me is battleing his bell, singing, whistling, and making lots of noise. Does he seem distressed all the time when he is screaming? Does he have his really vocal, hope the neighbours aren't trying to nap, times? I can't remember if you've answered this before, but does he have a big loud sturdy bell, one that he can attack and swing from? A bell not only helps during playful loud times, but Dorian also beats it up when he's frustrated.


Continue with the sound extinguishing training. It is working. Just keep the earplugs around for regression days. I'm kind of feeling a bit of your pain right now. There's a yogurt commercial on right now where a woman does a really earpiercingly loud, two fingers in the mouth, whisle. Well, Dorian only had to hear that once and it's his new favourite sound. Yikes!

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He has his playful times, where he will get crazy with his toys. This screaming seems to be directly associated with him wanting attention from someone. Whether it is to pick him up or to give him food or sprays, he will do it to get attention. I should mention that it is more like the sound of a smoke detector than a scream, but nevertheless, still ear piercing and annoying. Its just hard because sometimes I know that if I don't get to his food bowl quick enough he will start screaming, then I have to stop what I am doing to ignore him, but some days I have time constraints because I need to make it to work.


So we have been trying to set a new routine (which unfortunately is going to get disrupted in a couple of weeks when my work schedule changes) but it seems to be helping a little with the screaming for food in the morning. He is starting to do his morning conversation without the smoke detector sound, which is nice! Other loud bird sounds are fine, I know he has to be loud at certain times of the day (especially in the morning)


I want to try to get what he is doing on video, but as soon as he sees the camera he starts being all cute...

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There's a yogurt commercial on right now where a woman does a really earpiercingly loud, two fingers in the mouth, whisle. Well, Dorian only had to hear that once and it's his new favourite sound. Yikes!


HA, Tango started doing the noise from the Cheetos commercial where they say "cheese me" and there is a sort of whistle sound. Its so cute, I wish he would say the cheese me part with it.

Thank goodness for DVR and we tend to record a lot of shows because of my work schedule and we can fast forward right through commercials. Tango listens to ipod or pandora during the day. He used to watch a lot of TV, but he started saying "call now" to everyone who came in the house, so I thought he needed some variety.

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Luckily,I don't have an issue with loud noices. Usually! Sophie sitting on her favorite perch in family room, being very noisy. My reactions are routine, so I didn't know what I do.I paid attention. I told her " NO!" Started whistling one of her favorite songs... she continued to finish it. Stopped her screaming. She understands the word"no", as well as she is easily distracted.Amazing... I had no idea its a routine, and I automatically respond. Nancy

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