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Paranormal Grey ;)


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Oscar keeps making an EMF (electromagnetic field) meter sound. EMF meters are used to detect the presence of ghosts. I am quite the ghost skeptic, but admit to watching a fair amount of paranormal TV shows. I have a good laugh about the folks who scare themselves silly in the dark of their night vision cameras, and the shows that replay video snippets over and over to show proof of... absolutely nothing. I also get quite a kick out of EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings, as they are always subtitled, which means what is actually being recorded is totally debatable.


Oscar must have amazing hearing, as he's not in the room where the TV is, and EMF meters are only used very briefly in each paranormal show that I watch. Of course, I suppose it is possible Oscar heard EMF meter sounds in one of his former homes. Maybe he's seen plenty of ghosts and that's why he's so weird. ;) Or perhaps somebody wandered into the jungles of Africa, EMF meter in hand, when Oscar was a baby, to find proof of voodoo. Oscar is a very entrancing bird, so this is perfectly plausible. ;)

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Hi, Maggie here....we don't believe in all things paranormal but for those that don't know, our Greys see in the UV spectrum. When they look at each other, they are not looking a grey and red...that also means that when they look at us or anything living, they see the electromagnetic energy exuding from our body (Aura?). There has always been quite a bit of speculation that Greys are telepathic. What spectrum do they hear in? So, this is just something to think about our enigmatic Greys....hmm.....Thank you, Maggie

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Maggie, Blueberrytunes also speculated about Greys and telepathy. We had a very interesting conversation about it. How do you suppose one would "test" a Grey's telepathic powers? It seems that would be very hard to prove (and I say that with all due respect, of course).

Edited by MoonRock
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Maggie, Blueberrytunes also speculated about Greys and telepathy. We had a very interesting conversation about it. How do you suppose one would "test" a Grey's telepathic powers? It seems that would he very hard to prove (and I say that with all due respect, of course).


Yes, it can be very hard to prove...Humans are more likely to take the time to respond and perhaps respond correctly to any number of situations or testing involving telepathy whereas our Greys will show spontaneously in actions that they might have telepathic abilities. A couple of personal examples: When our oldest son passed away unexpectedly a few years ago, we went through periods of extreme grief and mourning. Spock, our younger Grey, would often fly into the other room where Jay had gone to think and perhaps cry out of sight and land on his shoulder...gently beaking his cheek and placing his foot on his face and quietly saying "Papa..ok", not as a question but as a statement. Joe continues this action, never seeing Spock do this. Our son's urn on the mantel is a simple grey urn. All our fids stay away from it...Spock used to go to it about once a week, walking quietly with his head down and softly beak it, place his foot on it and say "Papa". Joe has done this lately and then flies to Jay afterward and kisses him on the cheek. Does this mean anything? I don't know....Various ways that you can look for and compare with other person's experiences might be looking for instances of anticipation and excitement, vocal references to things or actions...example, you have been planning to go somewhere or do something but did not mention anything aloud and your Grey will ask "Go bye-bye?" or something that would acknowledge that someone or something will be happening without any vocalizations beforehand. The best way to test is for people to be in contact with each other on the same subject and compare stories involving time-frame, context, etc. I am sure that you have noticed that your Grey knows when you are coming home, even if it is a different time everyday. Jay has seen this happen many times before I come home, as have each of you, I am sure.


Now, the N'Kisi Project...This is either true, partially true or a hoax. This occurred many years ago and was well documented but disappeared from the face of the web...Here is a site page....check it out....Readers comments on their experiences with their own parrots show that this is where the truth lies...Thank you...;)


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Adding another layer to this discussion-cats seem to feel the energy between what we are concentrating on or trying to work on and delight in intercepting that energy by getting between us and what we are concentrating on. Yes our Cockatoo 's do this as well, but they have to take over where the cats seem to be content to bask in that thought stream.

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The EMF sound you are describing. I suspect is a very slow growl that greys will sometimes make. If you imagine their scream as dots for example a shrill scream would be in dots grouped together with their frequency very high i.e. ............ Now slow that down to a very slow frequency and you would have . . . . . . etc. Which the sound from an emf meter ranging slow to high frequency.


In regards our greys being affected by our emotions is definitely true, but not by them seeing some mysterious spectral aura around us. They can sense a mood or emotion but much more easily than us human just by looking at our body language, facial expression down to the way your mouth, eye's etc. are positioned and voice tone. If they do have ESP (no way to prove) they are reading thoughts, not seeing aura's in my opinion.


Being an electronic engineer, I relate everything to frequency when discussing emf. Which it is. EMF meters that you see in these shows actually prove nothing other than there is some emf source. These guys walking around with goose bumps and their emf meters make me laugh. :P


Also, one of my past engineering projects was developing a vision system using ccd high speed camera both visible light and IR. The system is still used in fruit packing houses as hundreds of fruit per second spin by doing a 360 turn while in the FOV. Using both visible and IR you can evaluate the size in diameter, color variation and IR picks up bruising and ripeness.


UV vision, such as our birds have as one of their visual spectrums has nothing to do with seeing a magnetic aura being produced around a persons body. UV they see is the fluorescing of seemingly grey, tan etc. color tones that if we could see UV would result in seeing a very beautifully colored moth, grey, crow etc. It is still Photons being received in the eye just like ours except birds and other critters do have UV receptors in their eyes.


One thing everyone needs to know, is the colors you seeing when imaging in IR for example is a result of an underlying program running on a vision processor and the programmer determines what color you see representing a temperature for example. Since we humans have all been programmed over the years to think of hot items as red, yellow an white etc, and cold items as blue shades, greens etc. Thats what we programmers used as a color schema to pop up on IR LCD displays for example for IR users scanning a room for heat loose etc.


Electromagnetic Storms like those produced by the sun and putting on that beautiful light show is visible because of those particles hitting our atmosphere and as the energy is being released that create photons in our visible range. :)


I hope I explained this all in a simple way to relate the complex thoughts in my mind on this topic... I pretty much laugh when I watch one of those shows and see the freaking out at orbs all of a sudden show up... ccd cameras can have pixel blossoming for example by reflected light hitting them from an angle and refracting through the lens . Just too much tv hoopla and not enough true scientific analysis to prove anything other than a freaked out human in a dark scary place. :P

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Sorry, Maggie logged in under jayd......Thanks Dan, this is truly a interesting subject. if i May, when I used the term"Aura", I put a question mark after it. I've listed some sites about what I've posted. New research is being done every day. There is nothing “paranormal” in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we “know” on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge. Thanks Dan, I too wish I could laugh when I hear certain things, but alas, in my life I'e seen too many "Proven" thing turn out different, especially in the fields of engineering and science ..Thanks Maggie



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Thanks for the livescience link. Ultra sensitive camera's with single photon detection are very useful for scientific studies of the faintest light source. I have no doubt as this article and study shows, that their bodies are producing a photon here and there over a length of time elapsed exposure. It was an interesting read. Thanks for posting it. :)

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Sorry, Maggie under Jayd's log in..Thank you Dan, we all learn when you write a thread or post, Your friend Maggie


Hi Maggie and Jay (Tell Jay I said hi). I just want to clarify that I only wrote what I did engineering wise to hopefully help people understand vision and how photons of various frequencies are seen by various creatures. I understand (I believe) your comments on the paranormal side and have always found it interesting, especially events that have actually had scientists involved and could not come to a definitive conclusion one way or another.


Now, can we just dismiss someone claiming the ability to see some type of magnetic energy aura surrounding a person, no! Some humans brains are wired differently in how synaptic connections are routed. There are numerous cases of humans that have synaesthesia. This unique ability of pairing two senses for example, links colors they actually see when hearing musical notes, hear words and smell odors. This is still an on going study by departments of experimental Psychology and Physiology. My point being, is that some may see "Aura's", smell fear or hear our mental thoughts. It is "possible" creatures such as our grey's, dogs and cats can somehow see, hear, smell (Parrots really do not have very good smell abilities)fear. Good questions and possibilities. It is just extremely difficult to quantify. :)

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Hey Dan, (Jay says hi!) your post was great! We need to understand all aspects of a situation in order to understand and reach conclusions or even come up with new theories or hypothesis. You always need to crawl before you walk. Even as early as a century ago, ideas that we thought were cast in stone are being proven incorrect...or with new possibilities. Engineering is a good science...it shows us how things work and gives us a basis to build off of and formulas for success. Until we find a new atom or a new way to build a bridge, we stick with engineering facts that we know are proven to work....and then someone will come along and say "Hey, I found a quark"...or a molecule that is 1000x stronger than what we are using..and here we go again...LOL...I agree that dust orbs and EMF meters have nothing to do with paranormal...I'd like to tell a story, though...we lived in a condo many, many, many years ago...(please interpret this as you wish)...the living room was rectangle with a window on the east wall, and a glass sliding door on the north wall leading to the patio. The curtains were closed....my mother-in-law (Mom) and our two boys were sitting on the couch between Mom and the patio window and we were down the hall in the back bedroom which was in direct sight of the living room. It was a bright summer day and all of a sudden, we noticed that the living room toward us slowly became darker until it was as dark as night. We went to the living room to see what was going on and within this short period of time, it was already beginning to lighten up to normal. When we got to Mom and the boys, we asked them what was going on. Mom, with the boys in agreement, told us that a bright small object (that emanated light) slowly entered through the wall at about six feet high, transverses around an overhanging cabinet and exited out to the patio at which time, the room had begun to lighten up. We called Southern Cal Edison and they had received a number of calls and were having electrical problems in this grid area. So...it was not an orb...it was visibly seen by three people and the side effects by two other people...what was it? We don't know....


Forgot to mention, all the birds went strangely quiet, then when it was over, all hell broke out......

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Thats an interesting story. I don't know if that event may have been similar to other documented events due to power surges and failures. There have been reports time to time while all the conditions are right like humidity range, the power and voltage of the surge etc. that will at times produce a Buoyant Plasma ball as you described and seems other homes in the area as well on that day. Of course, with the blinds all closed it would have become dark when the power went out barring that floating plasma ball providing the only faint light as it drifted about. One thing about collapsing electrical fields when power is suddenly removed from conducting wires, is as the fields collapse there exists the possibility that a huge instantaneous power surge can occur and produce very bizarre effects.


The other possibilities of that incident is anybodies best guess. Maybe a huge UFO and it shut power down and sent out probes or a spawn of hell wanting to scare the bejesus out of you. :)

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Hi Dan, Sorry I didn't answer sooner...I had to take Jay to the Vet today...always a fun time to be had by all...LOL...We like your last explanation the best...LOL...At the time this happened, there were no lights on because there was plenty of natural light coming in but we did not think about checking whether a clock or anything else electrical was working. We don't believe in all things paranormal but we do believe in ufology and future space science. After all, it is only logical...Then you have the whole Serenity universe...lol...we really scrutinize the paranormal..there has to be some essence of science and possibility in 3% of unknown or unexplained sightings or other occurrences. As far as Greys go...I believe there is a lot of their mental capabilities that we are unaware of at this time. I do not believe they are limited by what the scientific community states today as fact...In the beginning, far, far away, long, long ago we had the dinosaur...intelligent, cunning, master-minds of their environment...the raptor. Man came along and became the top sentient being...is the Grey the next sentient being to stand beside Man? Something that we always taught and believed in ..."Anything that has happened or will happen in the future has already happened in the past. It just re-invents itself. Nothing is new in this universe.When it happens, we'll know...deja vu..." (Jay's quote)

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Jay and Maggie you would enjoy "The Uplift Wars" by David Brinn. On the subject of the ball of light -When the kids were small one of those light or energy balls entered our living room through a closed window moved around the room from right to left knocking over some nick knack then made a popping sound and disappeared. It did make a blank spot on our window tinting about 4-5"'s across. It made the hair on our arms and neck stand up. It was not raining at the time or even threatening. One of those odd happenstances. Kids were very quiet after that, hubby not certain we really saw that and the kids still remember that afternoon and now they are in their 20's and early 30's.

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Hi! Thanks Jill, what a great story! I will be looking up that book too...sounds good! LOL, Dan...love that acronym! Here is an interesting true story...A few years back we took a day trip to Beatty, Nevada which is a ghost town. At the same time, we visited Goldfield which has the Goldfield Hotel (this had been featured in a number of shows for the paranormal) because we love ghost towns. Beatty is a little town skirting the Nevada Nuclear testing sites where the atomic bombs had been set off in the 1950's. It is also the home of Rhyolite (a wonderful little ghost town). Rhyolite had no water source so everyone drank beer, including children since it was cheaper to bring in beer than it was to bring in water. Next to Rhyolite and Beatty are miles upon miles of fenced and guarded cyanide rock waste, the residual waste of the gold mining process that will remain poisonous for many years to come. In Beatty we visited their quaint but very interesting local museum. It was located in an old Victorian style house so all the displays were set up in individual rooms. Jay was walking and taking movies with our Super 8 Movie Camera and we went from room to room (It was early and the place was empty but for us) filming. We entered a room with atomic energy paraphernalia. There was tools of the trade that related to the atomic testing era, including Geiger counters, turn of the century hospital beds, shovels, etc. and hanging on a far corner wall was two white protective radioactive suits complete with gloves and helmets. As Jay did with all the rooms, he stood in the doorway, panned the room with his camera and zoomed in on the suits before leaving for the next room. We finished our tour which was a lot of fun and headed home. After returning home, we had invited our son over for a night of home movies (under much protest-under we told him we had films of one of the Chicken Ranches from Nevada. As a side note, there are more Chicken Ranches in Nevada than there are Denny's..LOL) A little bit about the camera...since this was about ten years ago, the camera was not digital. It used a 8 millimeter video tape, similar to what a cassette player uses. It also had a directional microphone which picked up sounds directly in line in front of it. Example, if you are filming a person, it will only pick up the sound of them talking directly into the camera. Everything went great...all the shots of the museum were filled in complete silence except for our occasional narration since the museum had been empty. When the scene came up with Jay stepping up to the doorway of the atomic energy room, things were still quiet. As the camera panned toward the suits, we started hearing a clicking that progressively got louder. By the time the camera had zoomed into the suits, the clicking was extremely loud and then progressively became quieter as the film had panned away from them going into silence once we had left to another room. When we were there personally in the room, we heard nothing. It was the sensitivity in the camera that picked up this residual radioactivity, much like a Geiger Counter. The amount of radioactivity was far higher than in any other room or outside since the camera never picked up anything else. While watching this, our jaws dropped and we looked at each other...(we looked at the camera and it glowed green in the dark...hehehehe!) As another side note, we contacted them and they enclosed the suits in a safe encasement.

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Thanks Dan. That whole area is prolific with various types of cancer cases. This is above Mercury, Nevada going toward Tonopah. We have not gone back so we have not seen how they encased the suits. Jay is going to see if he can digitally copy the tape and see if you can still hear the clicking. If he can, he is going to post it.

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Is this evidence of a psychic experience by a Grey? Read the story under the short video while listening to what the Grey is saying.


My African Grey Fluffy is a gift from Heaven, he just turned 3yrs old but he's way beyond his years. He amazed me a couple of month ago which just blew my mind away. 2 month ago my nephew who's nickname is "Onn na" was fighting for his life following an appendix surgery, his infection went into his bloodstream which caused him to go into septic shock. He was in a coma for 4 days, fortunately his body responded to anti-biotics and made a full recovery.

This video was recorded while my nephew was in a coma in I.C.U. Fluffy felt that there is something wrong with "Unn na". In this video Fluffy keeps on calling "Unn na" which has never happened before. Also while my nephew was in a coma fluffy hardly had an appetite, he wouldn't eat his treats which has never happened too, Fluffy started eating normally once my nephew was out of his coma. I felt Fluffy's sadness right away, which just amazed me, he can sense illness of a close family member, wow! Mind you my nephew doesn't live with my Fluff.





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