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First flight


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İ've had so much progress in these couple of weeks. Ne more screaming, less growling and Bengy (which i think is a he) just got out of his cage for the first time. But the only problem is i dont know how to get him back and i have tried everything. İ guess he likes the bookshelf.


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Oh cute photo! he found a tree hole and feels safe in it. :)


Hopefully in a space like that, you can approach speaking to him with a happy voice slowly. Then slowly move you and in askin for a step-up. Watch his body language to avoid a bite. Once he steps up, pull him in close to your body and gently cup your other hand over his wings and take him back to his cage. If it is evening time, turn the lights out. They do not see well in the dark and are very easy to work with and get into their cage if they are not liking you carry them places willingly.

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LOL.. Oh my.. that is exactly where my Leo ended up on his one and only day out of the cage. But my guy does not want to be touched period. I ended up having to towel him and he was pretty mad at me for two days but after that all was back to normal. But he still has not come back out of the cage.

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Don't give him any food or water when he is out so he will have to go back to his cage then you can close him up in it. I never have any trouble with Josey going back into her cage but it seems lots of other folks do, the tip that Dan gave is a good one about it being evening, you can turn off the lights and pick him up to put him back into his cage. Some members on here have success with always putting a favorite treat in their cage at night when they want them going back inside, make sure he sees you put it in there and his curiosity will get the better of him.

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All three of my parrots go to bed in different ways. Ana Grey will just step up and go in after a little cuddle time with no problem. Sterling Gris will fly around until I turn off the lights and then he will step up. Louie, the zon, waits until the other two are in their cages and go in with a little coaching. One of the joys of a flighted flock.

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Jellybean loves to sit in a bowl I have in my pantry. It looks similar to your book shelf. Perfectly normal.

Jellybean will fight me on going into his cage too. I just have to be persistent and insist he steps up and go to his cage. It is frustrating at times; he will fly back and forth, but eventually he will give in.

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Turning off the lights was the first step for us to put Brutus to bed without any negativity or biting. Once he was used to that routine, we worked our way to stepping up with the lights on. Now he goes to bed with no problem and never bites because it never was an option.

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