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Taming New African Congo Grey


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I have bought a African Congo Grey one week ago. I want to start taming him and possibly training him to start talking.


Anyone can help me with advise? a web site? post? that has info abt taming new African Greys?


Your help is much appreciated :)

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Welcome Pbowner. You found the right website for help with your new grey. How old is he? Was he hand fed as a baby and socialized? The more information you can provide, the better we can help and answer you questions. :)

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Dan is so right, we need more information so we can better help you but if you know anything about greys at all you should know this will be a long slow process as you have to gain the bird's trust first before you can start training him.

Why not make an intro post in the welcome room and tell us all about your bird, age, sex if you know it, where he/she came from, previous owners and so on and so forth.

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Unfortunately I dont know where he came from....I found it in a bird shop and liked it :) ....the shop owner said it is about 8 months old. The outside of its eyes are still white and havent turned yellow yet (which Im told means it is young still)....I dont have a clue about its sex....


I have had it for a few days only now. It screams if I go near the cage and when I change its food pot and water pot......today it started eating when we were in the same room with it....but earlier it would not eat at all until we left the room...so i guess thats some improvement...but it still is nervous when around us, and i see its wing feathers shaking when am close to it...


Do you have any hints as to how I can make it feel comfortable with me and the rest of the family?


Any help would really be appreciated...



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Sounds like your bird may be a little older than 8 months but we can't tell without some pictures but the advice is still the same, time and patience will be what you need right now, this bird has only been in your home for a few days, I am talking weeks and months to gain his/her trust and it has to be earned. I know you have to go close to the cage to give food and water but otherwise stay far enough away that the growling stops, then move closer and talk to him softly, sit nearby and talk to him, read the newspaper or a magazine, it doesn't matter as long as you are talking to him. He will eventually settle into his new home but these greys are nervous creatures and you have to take your time and not rush him until you have established some trust with him.

If you have small children keep them at a distance for greys usually don't like their quick loud movements but do involve the whole family in communicating with him so he doesn't end up attaching himself to just one person.

Don't worry about him talking right now, he will when he feels more comfortable.

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Judy gave good advice to get your new grey to slowly start seeing you as a non violent or mean person. A grey in a petshop is not a safe and friendly place with adults and especially kids just walking up and tapping on the cage etc. Greys are very high anxiety to begn with, especially if their early months or years were not in a social and happy environment where they felt safe and learned to view humans as friends.


The first steps you need to take are as Judy stated. It takes time and patience over Months many times for them to stop the growling and be comfortable with sitting right next to the cage and interacting with them. Perhaps offering a treat they love like an almond, walnut or dry roasted non-salted peanut. He will start enjoying seeing you and look forward to his morning, noon and night feedings and socializing with you. Before any type of "Training" can truly start, trust must be established. Right now he is fearful for his very life.


I would love to see some photos of him when you get a chance and that will as Judy said, give us a better idea of how old he may be. :)

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read the newspaper or a magazine, it doesn't matter as long as you are talking to him. He will eventually settle into his new home but these greys are nervous creatures and you have to take your time and not rush him until you have established some trust with him


I read this forum aloud to mine. If nothing else, it's give us all quiet time. Leo my male takes this time to tuck his head and sleep. I for one love this site and all the great advise I've read.

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