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My birds are sooo mean to the dog


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I think I mentioned that Leo liked to make Sabrina my chihuahua whine when I wasn't in the room, Well Sassy has picked up on the game. I know it's wrong but it cracks me up every time. There is nothing to see in the video as they only do it when I go to another room or outside but the sounds are there :) So, this is my birds torturing a poor lil chi



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Interesting video of those vocals. It sounds like an animal kingdom interlude. I enjoyed listening to it several times. I wonder if Sabrina enjoys it as much as they do? I would think she would just leave the room if it annoyed her. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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Dan, the first time it happened I just had Leo. I was in the shower and I heard him vocalizing periodically but then I heard Sabrina howling. At that point Leo got louder and faster. Then I hear Sabrina scratching on the bathroom door and whining. When I came out I found her in my bed under my pillow. At this point sometime she leaves and sometimes she just howls.

Judy, That was Sabrina howling. I am sure however that Sassy will soon pick that up as well. :)

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I believe they can all get along as well. I also believe that my dogs have to adjust to my birds existence just as the birds have to adjust to my existence when I bring them home. Sabrina is not confined to the living-room, she has full run of the house and she can leave when ever she chooses. My birds however, cannot. I honestly believe this has become a game between them because that little dog has no problem leaving any room when she wants to. But in any case I'd be really interested in how you think it should be handled. Getting rid of any of my Babies it out of the question.

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EllieMae... sorry...didn't mean to sound mean! I DID sound mean....which was not my intent. Sometimes I get too passionate about a subject ( this is one of them), and you took it in stride. Kudos to you!

Something that worked for us, just a suggestion, won't necessarily work for everyone, is to introduce birds and dogs gradually under supervision. I'm sure you are already doing that.Once Sophie accepted the kids as well is when we started training her with the dogs. Max my 18 year old lhaso apso did most of the training as Ollie was a pup.During Sophie's training, she went into " timeout" for biting people, as well as attempting to bite the dogs. It took less than six months for all. Now I get to enjoy Sophie asking Ollie if he wants a peanut? She will throw him one down. "Ollie.... go out and pee! He runs for the door!" " Ollie...share your chicken!" He is happy for her to take the first piece. ( always under supervision!) What I love the best, is if I'm falling asleep on the couch, Sophie comes and snuggles on my shoulder, Ollie will jump up and sleep in my arm. One of Sophie's favorite games is to sneak down, pull on his tail and run back up to my shoulder and act like she had nothing to do with it! LOL! She does this over and over! He just looks up.... settles back down and lets her play her game. Nancy

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