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Pearl's First Vet Visit


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Just wanted to let our birdy family here know that Pearl's first vet visit couldn't have gone better! They had me fill out a little paperwork on her and brought us back to one of their two exam rooms (love small clinics!). The vet's assistant, Steve, was amazing and spent a little time with us in the room before the vet came in. We chatted a while and as soon as he opened her travel cage door, she hopped right out and onto his arm. By the time the vet came in a couple minutes later, she had snuggled right up under his chin on his chest. Steve and the vet, Dr. Baebler, joked that she had to be "part Cockatiel". (I don't know a thing about Cockatiels... I assume the reference was because she's snuggly?) After a little bit more chatting about her diet and home life, she sat on the scale like she's done it a million times. She's been with us two weeks tomorrow and has gained 20g. They were happy with that. Steve snuggled a towel around her following a little more chatter and they examined her beak, talons, etc. Pearl didn't seem to mind the towel at all... in fact I think she liked being snuggled in. Reminds me of how my son liked to be so tightly wrapped as a newborn baby. ;) A couple of "I-don't-like-that" peeps escaped while they were heavily poking and prodding at her, but mostly she didn't seem to mind a bit. Steve suggested always keeping a white towel around the house to use with her when she needs it. They always use white towels and explained to me when some birds come in and see "THE TOWEL" they immediately start freaking out. Dr. Baebler left the room and Steve packed up Pearl and gave her a little treat while he took us on a tour of every room in the office... we even got to see the boarding area, x-ray room, surgery room, lab. They were so welcoming and didn't have a thing to hide. We happily left the vet's office after being there about an hour. Got back home, she got on her play top and chowed down on some pellet like nothing ever happened! I have to say I am very impressed with our girl! (And the vet and staff, of course.)

A couple of suggestions were made while we were there. They suggested switching to Harrison's over Zupreem Fruit Blend- no big deal to me. Getting her microchipped- they do not put them to sleep. A Psittacosis blood test- I declined for the time-being as my breeder said she would be happy to do it for us at about half the price. Daily bathing- we've only been bathing her twice a week. Lastly a "Behavior Class" which I am very excited about! $72.00 for one hour- bring husband, 6-year-old son and spend an hour with the vet to "Teach you what to do, and what not to do, to end up with a well behaved and well socialized pet. Helps avoid aggressive and screaming behavior." Honestly, my husband needs this more than all of us- they're both a little nervous around each other. :P Lots of information was given including a flyer to our local parrot club, feeding information, etc. Hope the next visit goes as well as this one did! If anyone lives in or around St. Louis and needs a good avian vet, I know the place! Thanks for reading, guys. :D

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My first vet visit. Adopted Sophie at age two. We had an appointment scheduled for later that week. Within two days, she was sneezing and coughing! Being a nurse, I immediately thought she had a cold and was sick! I immediately called my avian vet, said I needed to get in right away as she was sick. They saw me that day. She was fine... just immitating Sean who was sick!She stepped right up to our vet. He asked mke if I knew anything about greys .... I told him no, we got her on a whim! He told me the books I needed to read, cancelled the appointment for later that week, told me to do my homework, he would see us in a month. I did my homework. The next time I brought her in.... I knew alot more! She passed her healthy visit with flying colors. Nancy

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