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conversion methods are not working


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So you might remember that Storm saw the vet last month and we were waiting on test results, well everything came back within normal level and seems I was just worrying for nothing (which is what I seem to excel in). Anyway at that visit the vet suggested that I switch his pellets from the coloured zupreem to harrisions. She gave me some ways to encourage him to eat it but not one seems to be working as well as I thought so wondered if you can give me some different ways.


So far we have tried:


Smashing up the big pellet into a crumble and adding some non sweetened apple juice, when that failed I tried water.


mixing both the zupreem and harrirson's together


Tried playing in a dish I keep near his table perch in hopes he would get nosy


pretended to eat some and made a big deal of how yummy it was and how he would like it...


tried offering it by hand as well as different and the same dishes he normally eats from....


All the failed, he DOES pick it up and grind it into a powder but I don't think he is actually eating it or at least not much of it....I called the vet today and she said that after he has had his breakfast (mash and some zupreem) to take away the zupreem and try just giving him just Harrison's.....I did try that but after an hr of him not touching it, I got anxious and gave him the zupreem back (which he didn't gobble down until later, so maybe got anxious to soon?)....


what else can I try. he does like the Harrison's bird bread, and he seems to like the pepper power treats but I think he can tell the difference b/c the power pellets are different colour and look much smoother than the cubed course pellet.


I have been trying for a month now, should I just resign myself to the fact that he hates everything but zupreem and let him have it? She said the dyes can be hard on their kidney's long term so I would rather get him off it.....he won't eat any other pellet either, I have tried. Oh man have I tried.....

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Nancy is correct. Forget about it. Let him eat what he wants, keep giving him fresh fruits and veggies daily even if he doesn't seem to eat them, he will eventually try them. Mix some pasta in with the veggies.


I have 2 African greys, many years ago wasted tons of $$ on trying to switch them to Harrison's because everyone here and the vet said it was the ONLY BEST food out there and ALL parrots should be eating them to live a long and healthy life. My birds NEVER accepted them. I was able to switch them over to a variety of pelles, but never Harrison's. I learned they aren't necessarily the ONLY healthy ones.


Do the research, most vets recommend them exclusively because they are contracted and make a profit to sell them.....:(

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Most vets do highly recommend Harrisons and most sell it at their office so it does make you wonder if they are actually pushing it because of that but my Josey eats Harrisons, I started feeding it to her from the day she came to my home and she eats it readily, I have never tried another brand since she eats it but the vegetables are better for them and should be offered even if they don't eat them, you never know when the day will come that they will give them a try and eat them so push the veggies.

You can try mixing in some kind of pasta, Josey goes for any kind, she will eat macaroni, spaghetti, lasagna and you name it she will eat it.

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Great comments by everyone. I agree with them.


No harm from colored pellets. Mix and match etc.


I give Dayo Zupreme Nutty Blend and Harrisons mixed in with his seed/nut mix. He eats more seeds than anything, a pellets a day, hard macaroni and cooked.


I am a die-hard and have been purchasing Harrisons coarse pellets since day one when dayo came home. Tossed all of it left over in each bowl for 3 years. Dayo and Jake just love the harrisons pepper birdy bread. It is good for them to and is made of ground up pellets amongst other ingredients. Then one day he just ate a few pellets and it has been like that from then on. Yes I throw lots of money out in the garbage due to the waste of all foods, not just pellets. But at least I know my birds have a bountiful diet every day and they pick and choose what they desire that day. When they eat pellets, they do basically grind it to a powder, a little goes in and the rest falls like sand. :)

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I am not a pellet fan and my birdies eat lots of veggies, beans, rice and pasta. My parrots don't like meat at all. They do not like Harrison's but do like Zupreem Veggie Blend so that is what I keep in their cages at all times. Ana Grey grinds the pellets up to powder and Louie and Sterling Gris munch on them here and there. All three love pine nuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.

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he's eating it!! no clue what happened but he is eating it!! so now to slowly phase out the coloured stuff. He gets fresh foods, beans, rice, pasta, veggies etc etc daily as well. He gets all 3 meals just like us humans do and his formula at night before bed. Storm is doing great

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