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Question for those with multiple birds..


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I have 7 teils and the two greys. With Leo there were really no worries about the safety of my little ones (once I put the tray on top of his cage) because he has only left his cage once and had no desire to venture over to theirs, but Sassy on the other had is very active and curious about everything. I can't let the little ones and her be out at the same time. At first it was the little one flying around her and her trying to catch them in flight and then she ventured over to the top of their cage and chased them off trying to bite them. So my question is how do you all handle having more than one bird. Do you have to alternate out of cage times? Do you think I'll be able to let them all out at once in the future?

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I don't have multiple birds, but I would have separate out of cage time for now until you begin to see what kind of dynamic exists. After that, very carefully supervised out of cage time would be necessary. With birds of such different sizes you can't be too careful.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I have three birds, a grey, a sun conure and a cockatiel and I have all three of them out at the same time, they do not like one another but tolerate each other as long as there is a little distance between them. You will just have to try it and see what happens but my tiel will go over onto Josey's cage when she is off it to see what she can find to eat and sometimes she flies right by her head when going back to her cage, I have never had a fight break out but I have had a few beaks open up ready for it but that is the warning to back off.

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I have three parrots and a canary. The canary is flighted and enjoys out of cage time just like the parrots but in my office where my parrots are not allowed. I have one grey, Ana Grey, who would snack on Captain Caruso in a flash. All three parrots are flighted and out at the same time. They get along great. My greys even give beak kisses to each other. My zon just leaves the greys alone. They fly from room to room as a squadron and get along without a problem. In the beginning I watched them all very closely. They have been together as a flock for about three years. My Zon, Louie has been with me since he was 1 1/2 years old. He is now 5. My TAG, Ana Grey has been with me since she was 4 months old. She is now 4 1/2 years old. My CAG, Sterling Gris, will be 3 years old in two days. He has been with me since he was 5 months old. In the beginning I watched them very closely. Once they figured out their pecking order they were golden.

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My experience is the same as luvparrots. I have a Grey, a Amazon, and a quaker. The little quaker can be a dominating terror, but the other two have figured out how to deal with him. I let them work it out amongst themselves. When something spooks them they fly as a team into the other room, which I think is so cute. Brutus, the grey talks about Pancho and Jimpster all the time. I think they are happy to have bird company when I am not home. There certainly is no "lovefest" going on here, but they hang out on their separate cages and chill together. I don't know how cockatiels fit into everything. I definitely would watch them closely until they work it out. I would be afraid of one of the little guys getting hurt.

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I have two cockatiels one congo African grey and a blue fronted amazon. The tiels have their own out of cage time because of their size and the grey and zon are out together but supervised.

Another thing is we live in a log cabin and the way they love wood they would eat their way to the out side in nothing flat if they were out with no supervision.

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I have 2 greys, 2 macaws and one Gus ( umbrella too). They are all out at the same time, the greys share a stand and the others all have their own. We don't let them out in the birds rooms because for some reason they all gather on Bongos cage and clean him out of house and home, its bedlam lol. They tolerate each other but each have their own areas, no one crosses into them, including the dogs. 3 out of the 5 are flighted.

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Wow flighted dogs? At our house only Pookie CAG & Fred fred SC2 get along, no love but they coexist well. Whisper big CAG girl, Smokey Joe are both more aggressive and have to have a handler or only bird status when out, they also get down and go walk about with dogs and cats eek. Harry Too has the least out time due to his preferred activities which include stalking other birds, stalking some family members, eating parts of the house and generally running amok. Supervision is difficult with a very active, quick & large strong minded Cockatoo. We love him but he is the biggest challenge to full integration of species in our home. The Tiels and Keets are all elderly and have not gotten out of cage time in a while, just not safe. They do get wheeled outside to enjoy the Sunshine and wild bird viewing on the back patio.

Edited by Greywings
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Them babies sure can fly when a beak grabs that tail! Lol


LOL.. Sabrina my chihuahua doesn't know what to make of the birds.. she's always sniffing at them if she gets the chance (usually when they are in the cage and get low enough for her to sniff) Well yesterday Sassy was on my arm and Sabrina took her shot to sniff and Sassy pecked her. The dog yelped in fear and went to the other end of the couch and whined every time she looked at her. I'm pretty sure she'll leave they Greys alone now

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So my question is how do you all handle having more than one bird. Do you have to alternate out of cage times? Do you think I'll be able to let them all out at once in the future?


Both my Grey and Conure are flighted. When Dayo decides Jake the Conure has gotten too close or just for whatever reason annoyed him, they will both take off on an aerial chase. Jake is much smaller so he can turn faster than Dayo. I will say, a few time over the years Jake the Lion hearted will stand his ground or even go running at Dayo with beak open acting as if he is going to kill Dayo. However, the minute Jake is in striking range Dayo will try to nip him at lightening speed. No true harm ever done but a few feathers have been nipped on Jake.


If all your birds are flighted, they are not dunces and will normally know when theres a time to flee. :)

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I have 5 different species of birds. All but one is flighted. My parakeets rarely come out of their cage, they were never trained to enjoy us humans...all the others are out at the same time due to my work schedule and time. I keep an eye on them and when I hear one flying, I always pay attention to where they are. My amazon and timneh sometimes get into tifts, my amazon sometimes terriozes my cockatiel, when that happens, he goes safely in his cage to get away from my amazon.

Just keep a watchful eye as Dan says and all will be ok, they will work out their flock order and abide by it once they know their place.

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Today I have all cage doors open. I did move my teil cage a few inches more away from Sassys. She prefers to climb to where she wants to go so if she really wants on their cage she'll have stretch a bit or fly. I was a little nervous this morning because Sassy decided that she would go check out Leo's cage and toys and introduce herself. It actually went very well..It looked like Leo was trying to give her one of the ropes of his toy and they played tug of war with a ball for a while. She sampled his food bowl, broke his mirror and went back to her own cage. Leo just looked interested but didn't look as if he felt threatened at all. There was one point when Sassy touched her beak to him and he squawked at her once and she backed off. My only concern now is if she should decide to enter the little ones cage...I'll be watching closely :)

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