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Is it just me or is there a problem with the Forum?


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For a few week now I have noticed that the Home page is not displaying properly and now the forum keeps forgetting my password. I am using a Mac with Safari and Google Chrome. The weirdness is with both.

The actual forum pages are fine. Is it me or something else?


Steve n Misty

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No its not just you Steve, are you putting the check mark in the box "remember me" that is right below where you put your screen name in? If you don't do that the forum will automatically log you out with a few minutes inactivity, some people are having problems seeing that box for it almost disappears since the home page has moved up with not much room to display it. I think Talon knows about it and has alerted the tech guys but it hasn't been resolved yet.

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I have notified the tech dept twice, they seem to be too busy for us...:( You will have no problem being thrown out as long as you check the Remmebr Me box as Judy said. I havent found it to be gone and I use Firefox & IE. Perhaps your computer display settings are different?

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There is on when you first log in as there always was. Perhaps its something with your computer settings, as I log on in 3 different browsers on 5 different computers and its always there. It goes away after you check it and then log on, but it is there in the beg as usual.

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Now I get this message when attempting to post a reply to paranormal greys-had to reenter the forum again.

The following errors occurred with your submission



  1. You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.

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