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Finally Named Our New Girl...Meet Sassy


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Hi Everyone

Jack finally came up with a name for our new girl. Sassy :) She likes Jack much better than me and gets extremely nippy if I try to interfere. I took a video of her getting love from daddy. The quality isn't very good and it's dark but viewable. Please let me know if there are any issues trying to view.





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Thanks Everyone

She is definitely living up to her name already. I banished her to her cage last night after biting me and then went on the front porch to smoke. I leave the door open with only the storm door closed so that I can watch them while I'm out there. Well Jack had come to the cage and was talking to her and she kept raising her foot to him and hanging her head for him to scratch her through the bars. He was talking to her saying things like oh no..dont come begging to daddy when your being mean to mommy and Sorry little girl, I can't let you out. Mommy put you in there and I have to sleep with her. Now the part that had both of us almost to the point of wetting ourselves was that she would look up at him and give the little cluck she make when she wants scratches and hang her head and then when Daddy would tell her no that she had to be nice to Mommy, she would move to the end of the perch look in the direction of the front door where I was standing, hunch over and flare her wings and hiss at me. It was almost like she understood what he was saying and why she was not getting her scratch :) This little girl is going to be a pill....I see it coming

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Mommy put you in there and I have to sleep with her. Now the part that had both of us almost to the point of wetting ourselves was that she would look up at him and give the little cluck she make when she wants scratches and hang her head and then when Daddy would tell her no that she had to be nice to Mommy, she would move to the end of the perch look in the direction of the front door where I was standing, hunch over and flare her wings and hiss at me. It was almost like she understood what he was saying and why she was not getting her scratch :) This little girl is going to be a pill....I see it coming


LOL, your the other woman that must go!!! You two are just going to work out sharing your hubby with each other. :P


Sassy is a perfect fit as her name. :)

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One thought though. When one of you puts her in a time out you should both ignore her, or you may inadvertently reinforce her liking one person over the other.


Oh yeah I agree, but I'm finding that the time out thing may become an issue. She now knows when I'm going to put her in the cage and she goes in the other direction and tries to bite when I get close. :) I'm looking at this as an adventure.. wish me luck :)

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EllieMae... LOVED the video! She is adorable! She is a LOVER,NOT a hater. Daddy's girl for sure, but that doesn't mean anything. A few suggestions.... those times she lifted her foot, was not defensive. Greys lift a foot when they feel threatened, or want to " stepup". Sassy wanted to stepup. Always pay attention to their body language and invitation. Next time, have hubby pick Sassy up. I'm a firm believer in wrist status only, but others have their opinion. Have hubby let her stepup, and give her a tour of your home together. Let her see you interact together. Away from the cage, she may be more inclined to stepup onto your wrist. Another time she wants to stepup to hubby, play a board game together in another room. One that requires taking turns. Alternating turns, requires the bird to stepup to whomever turn it is! Sophie is quite competitive with all board games as this was how she learned to stepup to our entire family. Of course, now she can tell who is losing... she jumps ship quite quickly! LOL! Their intelligence is amazing!~ Nancy

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Hi Nancy, Things are still changing around he and Jack says that I have become the preferred one. I'm not sure I agree with that. She does follow me around the house and she has become much more inclined to let me love her but I believe that has everything to do with the fact that I am home all day with her and Daddy is only home two days a week and how much time in the evenings he has is varied due to his work schedule. It's like she picks who she wants on different days and it's rarely both of us in any given period. She does not like to share her affection. The stepping up is coming along nicely I think for such a short period but she definitely lets you know when she does not want to do so.

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EllieMae... all is progressing nicely! Most greys tend to love one person. BUT.... if you confuse them...let them see how each family member has " something to offer"... they will be putty in everyone's hands! Training is always away from the cage. It is important for your baby to see you interact with each other, and encourage your bird to come hangout. All of our birds will now hangout with whomever. Once they understand the family dynamics, they just want to be part of the flock. Nancy

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